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Public thesis defense - Aleksandr SHEMENDYUK

Three Essays on Modeling Long-Term Care of Institutionalized Elderly in Switzerland

Publié le 19 juin 2024
Extranef 110, & Zoom

The public thesis defense of Aleksandr SHEMENDYUK, holder of a Bachelor’s degree in Applied Mathematics And Information Science and a Master’s degree in Statistical Modelling And Actuarial Science from the National Research University Higher School of Economics, will take place on

Wednesday, June 26th, 2024, at 1:30 PM - Extranef 110 & on Zoom

To obtain the degree of
PhD in Actuarial Science

Thesis title:
Three Essays on Modeling Long-Term Care of Institutionalized Elderly in Switzerland

Members of the thesis committee:

  • Joël WAGNER, Professor, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Lausanne. Thesis supervisor.
  • Hansjörg ALBRECHER, Professor, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Lausanne. Internal expert.
  • Michel VELLEKOOP, Professor, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Amsterdam. External expert.
  • Boris NIKOLOV, Professor and Vice Dean, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Lausanne. President.

The session is public and will take place on the campus and on Zoom.
To receive the connection details, please register in advance through the following link:



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