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Séminaire Recherche Sur le campus Economie Microeconomics

Seminar in Microeconomics - Hugo Molina (University of Paris-Sarclay, INRAE)

Vertical Bargaining under Uncertain Retailer Responsiveness: A Structural Approach

Publié le 16 janv. 2025
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Extranef, 109

We develop an empirical framework to analyze vertical relationships with manufacturer-retailer bargaining. Our key innovation is the introduction of a novel Nash-in-Nash bargaining model that incorporates uncertainty in retailers’ pricing responses to wholesale prices. This model extends existing Nash-in-Nash frameworks by relaxing assumptions about the timing of wholesale and retail price setting. We show that our model can be microfounded by a two-stage noncooperative game with delegated negotiations. We propose a two-step strategy that separably identifies bargaining and responsiveness parameters and implies a Generalized Method of Moments estimation procedure.


Joao Montez

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