Le 20 mars à 12h00, Thomas Hug-Di Lena (urbanista.ch) présentera le concept des Superblocks et son application dans la planification urbaine.
Superblocks – a step towards the city of people?
Superblocks represent an urban planning concept that prioritizes people over vehicles by transforming traditional city blocks into pedestrian-focused neighborhoods. These areas restrict through-traffic, creating safer, greener spaces where residents can walk, cycle, and gather.
Barcelona pioneered this approach, converting 9-block grids into community-centered spaces with increased green areas, playgrounds, and local businesses. The benefits are substantial: improved air quality, reduced noise pollution, stronger community bonds, and revitalized local economies.
Cities worldwide are now adopting similar models, tailoring them to local needs while maintaining the core principle of reclaiming urban spaces for human interaction. The presentation will focus on experiences in different cities. We'll examine how Brussels overcame initial resistance, the optimal site selection in Zurich and Barcelonas's challenges with business accessibility and other key factors.
Conférencier : Thomas Hug-Di Lena, urbanista.ch
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Contact: ouvema@unil.ch
Cette présentation fait partie du cycle de conférences « Making cities attractive tor active mobilities » organisé par l'OUVEMA avec le soutien du Centre de compétences en durabilité, de l'Institut de géographie et durabilité de l'Université de Lausanne.