
The Fund for Research and Education in Genetics or FREG was established in 2010 by a generous donation to the University of Lausanne by John and Lola Grace of Clarens, Vaud.  The FREG has a dual mission.  On the one hand, it supports L'éprouvette — the UNIL public laboratory — in its activities to promote education in science and a dialog between science and society, particularly with respect to genetics.  On the other hand, it supports the Center for Integrative Genomics (CIG) in its activities for research in genetics.  It also aims to raise awareness among the general public of education and research in genetics and as such has a fund raising program.  This program includes the John Grace Lecture, a public lecture given in June of each year by a preeminent participant of the CIG symposium, and the annual Women in Science luncheon in the fall until 2022.

Génopode - CIG - CH-1015 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 692 39 20