PhDnet Vision
The PhDnet committee is the association for doctoral students at HEC Lausanne.
Created in 2005, the purpose of of PhDnet is to:
- Officially represent the interests of the PhD students from HEC within in the faculty of HEC and the University of Lausanne.
- Build a professional and social network among PhD students across all departments and disciplines.
- Facilitate the exchange of ideas, skills and knowledge amongst PhD students by enhancing the collaboration across departments.
On our Facebook page you will find up-to-date information on our activities and upcoming seminars and social events. You are also welcome to use it as a platform for exchanging questions, information or advice regarding PhD life with us and other PhD students of HEC Lausanne.
PhDnet organizes one event per month during the semesters. At each semester, we hold a seminar during which we usually invite Professor/s or/and external speakers and try to come up with a discussion that might interest PhDs from all departments of HEC. Adding to that, we have two traditional events which are the Christmas Apero and the End of semester BBQ to celebrate being over with teaching assistant duties ;-) The rest of the year events mostly depend on what the committee is eager to organize, but they usually come up with pretty fun ideas.
Department representatives