News and events

Retour sur une année riche en événements Published on 04.07.24
Retour sur une année riche en événements
Le rapport annuel de l’UNIL est arrivé! Il apporte un éclairage institutionnel et scientifique sur l’année 2023. Du côté de HEC Lausanne, focus sur l'innovation face aux grands défis mondiaux avec Katherine Tatarinov et sur la durabilité avec Patrick Haack.
HEC Lausanne has got talent – June 2024 Published on 01.07.24
HEC Lausanne has got talent – June 2024
Discover those in the HEC Lausanne (UNIL) community - students, researchers, teachers or staff - who have been honored or celebrated recently.
Video series "Décrypté" - Why do some organizations turn to the dark side?
Published on 27.06.24
Video series "Décrypté" - Why do some organizations turn to the dark side?
Immoral behavior and corporate scandals: Guido Palazzo, Professor of Business Ethics at HEC Lausanne (UNIL), has made this his hobbyhorse for decades. Through his research, he aims to provide answers to the challenges that arise in this field.
Towards 2027 - the dean's vision and ambitions
Published on 20.06.24
Towards 2027 - the dean's vision and ambitions
Interview with Marianne Schmid Mast, Dean of the Faculty, to discuss the achievements of the last 3 years and future plans.
Video series "Décrypté" - Managing the Grand Challenges with innovation and technology
Published on 20.06.24
Video series "Décrypté" - Managing the Grand Challenges with innovation...
How can we help international organizations become more effective in managing major challenges (such as poverty or access to healthcare)? What are the levers that can help? In this 3rd episode of our series "Décrypté", meet Prof. Katherine Tatarinov, who addresses these central questions.
Swiss real estate market: new evaluation of ESG practices of 128 investment vehicles Published on 19.06.24
Swiss real estate market: new evaluation of ESG practices of 128 investment vehicles
The Center for Risk Management at Lausanne (CRML) at HEC Lausanne (UNIL), in collaboration with Quanthome SA, has published the latest results of its tool for assessing the ESG criteria of Swiss real estate funds: PRESS scores (Public Real Estate Sustainability Switzerland). Since last year, the methodology has evolved to extend coverage to more than 20,000 properties, representing some 200 billion Swiss francs.
Video series  "Décrypté" - For an analysis of peace factors in the world
Published on 11.06.24
Video series "Décrypté" - For an analysis of peace factors in the world
How can we avoid violence, war and armed conflict? What factors can help foster peace? Discover the fascinating work of Prof. Dominic Rohner in the 2nd episode of our video series Décrypté, co-produced by HEC Lausanne, L'éprouvette and Mousqueterre.
Prix Olivier Cadot and Prix Christophe Pralong - winners 2024 Published on 06.06.24
Prix Olivier Cadot and Prix Christophe Pralong - winners 2024
HEC Lausanne (UNIL), in partnership with UNIL's International Relations Department, and the Christophe Pralong Association have awarded the Prix Cadot and Prix Pralong to 4 projects whose aim is to help solve the world's development problems. Find out more about this year's winners and their projects.
New series of videos "Décrypté" : Dive into the pioneering spirit of HEC Lausanne and its researchers
Published on 04.06.24
New series of videos "Décrypté" : Dive into the pioneering spirit of HEC...
What research topics are explored at HEC Lausanne (UNIL)? Who are the researchers involved? What are the links with current issues and how does the HEC Faculty play a pioneering role? If these are the questions that pique your curiosity, don't miss our new “Décrypté” video series co-produced by HEC Lausanne, L'Eprouvette and Mousqueterre. It's made for you!

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