Immunology of the skin: theoretical basis and practical implications in health and disease

UNIL principal investigator

Prof. Curdin Conrad, Faculty of Biology and Medicine

UNIPD principal investigator

Prof. Stefano Piaserico, DIMED


Graduate summer/winter program


The project aims to provide last year Master's students, PhD students and post-docs, as well as biologist, dermatologists and rheumatologists with additional, up-to-date knowledge on the basics and on the latest findings on the topic of skin immunology. It also has the purpose of stimulating scientific reasoning and communication of scientific data within a group of researchers. The participants will acquire a thorough background on skin immunology helpful to start a career within the field within either academia or industry.

A further objective of the project is to foster the cooperation between UNIL and UNIPD scholars in order to promote the initiation of mutual scientific works.

The relevance of this project is therefore not limited to the high-level teaching of advanced concepts in the setting of immunodermatology, but spreads to the possibility of supporting further joint projects, embracing the spirit of cooperation promoted by our Universities.


The seminars will be divided in two parts. In the first one, held in Padua in March 2023, the bases of immunodermatology will be discussed in a two-day session. A series of lectures by specialists in basic and clinical skin immunology will be organized (e.g. production and role of anti-microbial peptides, toll-like receptors, interplay between innate and adaptive immunity, skin lymphocytes role). Attendants will be involved in case-based teaching.

In the second one, held in Lausanne in April/May 2023, the complex interplay of the basic concepts discussed in Padua will be explored in the light of the most recent scientific findings. The pathogenesis of immune-mediated dermatologic disorders will be discussed, focusing on diseases such as psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, pityriasis rubra pilaris, bullous dermatoses, lichen ruber planus etc. Furthermore, the immunological mechanisms involved in the development of different types of skin cancer will be covered. Therapeutic approaches will be discussed as well, with a special focus on the newest available therapies.

Potential for follow-up activities

The opportunity of having together experts and students from UNIL and UNIPD will be used for fostering the bonds between the Universities. If this cooperation will be successful, new events will possibly be organized and joint publications on dermatologic topics will be started.

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