
Ajdacic Lena

Contact Research Teaching Publications

Research areas

The global financial elite
From the 1980s onwards, financial markets grew in size, a wave of mergers transformed the business landscape and the power constellations of actors in the global economy were facing profound changes. In the wake of these transformations, around the early 2000s, the top five hedge fund managers made higher earnings than the global top 500 CEOs altogether. The PhD project aims to investigate the careers, networks and practices of these high fee earning individuals, who are at the helm of firms such as hedge funds, private equity firms, sovereign wealth funds and accountancy networks and the role they play in the current, finance-led capitalism. More specifically, the project revolves around three dimensions: access to top positions within accountancy firms, coordination of different subgroups of financial intermediaries through multi-layered networks and spread of compensation and offshorisation practices across the network. The research will take advantage of the industry for financial and company data, that generates information on millions of companies and top professionals world-wide. To deal with these large data sets, the project relies on various quantitative approaches, ranging from multiple correspondence analysis to network analysis and regression models.

The Phd is part of the FNS financed research project 'The Rise of the Financial Elite - Access, Integration and Spread of Power' headed by Felix Bühlmann.


Membres associés  

Nom Fonction(s)
Aeby Gaëlle Chargée de cours, UNIFR / collaboratrice de recherche, UNIGE
Alves Barbeiro Ana  Assistante diplômée 
Bolano Danilo Senior researcher, NCCR LIVES
Cavalli Stefano Maître assistant, Centre Interfacultaire de Gérontologie, UNIGE
Clémence Alain Professeur associé
Dasoki Nora  Chargée de recherche, FORS
Falcon Julie Collaboratrice scientifique externe
Fasel Hunziker Rachel Coordinatrice de recherche, LIVES
Fassa Recrosio Farinaz  Professeure assistante 
Giudici Francesco  Postdoctoral Fellow, Columbia University in the city of New York
Hanappi Doris Chercheuse Senior SNF
Hummel Cornelia Maître d'enseignement et de recherche, Département de sociologie, UNIGE
Korber Maïlys Collaboratrice scientifique externe
Kradolfer Morales Sabine Chargée de cours
Labouvie-Vief Gisela Professeure, Faculté de psychologie et des sciences de l'éducation, UNIGE
Lefeuvre Nicky  Professeure, Faculté des sciences sociales et politiques
Leresche Jean-Philippe Directeur, Observatoire, Science, Politique, Société 
Levy René Professeur honoraire 
Lutz Georg Chef de section de recherche, FORS
Maggiori Christian Chercheur FNS senior 1ère année
Marquis Lionel Maître d'enseignement et de recherche, Institut d'études politiques et internationales
Mc Kenzie Tsering  Doctorante FNS
Oris Michel Professeur ordinaire, Département d'histoire économique, UNIGE
Passy Florence Professeure associée, Institut d'études politiques et internationales 
Rauschenbach Mina Post-doctoral researcher, Leuven institute for criminology (LINC)
Roch Pierre-Alain Public Policy Evaluator, Cour des comptes de Genève
Roux Patricia Professeure associée 
Ryser Valérie-Anne Cheffe de projet de recherche, FORS

Sánchez Núria 

Professeure assistante, Unine
Spini Dario  Professeur ordinaire 
Staerklé Christian  Professeur associée 
Vacchiano Mattia Post-doc Researcher, NCCR LIVES
Valarino Isabel  Chargée de missions, Bureau de l'égalité 
Vandenplas Caroline  Post-Doctorante, KU Leuven, Belgique 
Wernli Boris Chef de section de recherche, FORS 
Widmer Eric Professeur ordinaire, Département de sociologie, UNIGE



Nom Adresse
Chappuis Anne-Sophie Bâtiment Géopolis, bureau 5105