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EU Project Horizon 2020 - Ms. Vandanet HING - Guest Researcher

The Chair of Public International Law of UNIL is happy to welcome Ms. Vandanet Hing as part of the EU Project Horizon 2020

Published on 18 Apr 2017

The Chair of Public International Law of UNIL is happy to welcome Ms. Vandanet Hing as part of the EU Project Horizon 2020 as a guest researcher. Ms. Hing is a lecturer and researcher at Royal University of Law and Economics (RULE), Cambodia.

Ms. Hing specializes in international humanitarian law (IHL) and human rights law. Alongside her research and teaching role, she coaches RULE students to participate in IHL Moot national and international round. She also provides IHL trainings to pre-deployment Cambodian peacekeepers.

Ms. Hing holds a Master of Laws in Human Rights from the University of Hong Kong and a Bachelor of law from RULE.

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