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Enseignement et Formation Cérémonie Institutionnel

13 prizes awarded to professors for the quality of their teaching and their ability to innovate

The Deanship of the Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Lausanne recently awarded the “HEC Lausanne Best Teacher Awards” to 11 teachers who distinguished themselves for the success of their courses as evaluated by students. This year, two new prizes have been awarded to teachers who have been particularly innovative in adapting their courses during the pandemic period.

Published on 16 Dec 2020

Since 2014, the Deanship of HEC Lausanne has been encouraging recognition of the quality of the Faculty’s teachers with an award presented each year. Allocation of the awards is decided by students through a survey and approved by the Deanship.

Professor Guido Palazzo, Vice-Dean in charge of Programs, Student Affairs and Executive Education, congratulates the award-winning professors.    

In the Bachelor programs, the awards for best teacher went to:

In the Master programs, the awards went to the following teachers:

Award for pedagogical innovation, all programs included:

The public announcement of the awards has been made during the 2020 diploma celebration, held in an online format on December 12th (Youtube video: 19:17-20:40). The Awards Committee and the Deanship of HEC Lausanne would like to thank and extend their congratulations once again to these teachers.

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