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The Department of Fundamental Neurosciences (DNF, at the Faculty of Biology and Medicine of the University of Lausanne (UNIL) seeks to support applicants for the Eccellenza Professorial Fellowships awarded each year by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF, application deadline Feb-1st-2022). Candidates with basic or translational neuroscience research lines with a particular competence in systems or computational neurosciences are encouraged to apply.  Eligible candidates possess requisites including at least two years of research activity at a Swiss Research Centre, Swiss nationality or a Swiss higher education degree (SNSF criteria: SNSF-awarded candidate(s) will be appointed as non-tenure track Assistant Professors at UNIL.

Candidate profile
Applicants have an outstanding track record and wish to develop an independent research group within the DNF and the Faculty of Biology and Medicine in Lausanne. Candidates with strong communication skills to foster intra- and interdepartmental interactions and participate in teaching are particularly welcome.

The DNF offer
The DNF will sponsor the application of the pre-selected candidate(s) to the SNSF Eccellenza Professorial Fellowship and act as a host institution. The SNSF Eccellenza program covers the candidate’s salary and provides project funds of up to 1,000,000 Swiss Francs for a 5-year period.

To complement the SNSF funding, the DNF will provide laboratory facilities, administrative support, and access to core facilities (mouse/fly behaviours and imaging on site). The DNF is located near the Lausanne city center within the cantonal hospital Campus. The DNF counts 13 research groups interested in synaptic and network function in basic and pathophysiological behaviors. The DNF merges studies across species including drosophila, rodents and humans. Lausanne has a vibrant international life sciences community (i.e. UNIL-neuroscience, Center for Psychiatric Neurosciences, EPFL), it is embedded in the larger Lemanic Neuroscience Network, and provides a high standard of living. The University of Lausanne is an equal opportunity and family friendly employer committed to excellence through diversity .

Applications should include a complete CV with publications, a short motivation letter, a one-page summary of current and proposed research, and contact details of 3 referees. Applications should be submitted as a single pdf to . The deadline for receipt of applications is October 24th, 2021. Short-listed candidates will be invited for a 1-day Symposium/Interview (mid-November), for a visit of the DNF facilities and meeting DNF Faculty and researchers.

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