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Environnement Durabilité Recherche

CLIMACT Starting Grant - Edition 2023

The 2023 CLIMACT Starting Grant call for proposals is now open!

Published on 16 Dec 2022

Through this call for proposals, CLIMACT will provide competitive grants to support new seed research endeavours with the potential to grow into full-scale interdisciplinary research projects. This fund is thus designed to foster novel collaborative research efforts, which will explore new ideas, solutions and communication methods in order to maximise societal impact.

Projects funded through the CLIMACT Starting Grant should be aimed at proposing to societal stakeholders novel and systemic approaches to deal with current issues in society and technology. These projects must associate at least one investigator from an EPFL research group and one investigator from an UNIL research group.

Please note that the funding is available for projects with a duration up to 12 months. The maximum amount that can be requested is CHF 50’000 per project.

Submission deadline: Monday 6 March 2023 (17:00 CET)

Visit the dedicated webpage for more information

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