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FBM Awards 2023: honneur à l'excellence

Le Décanat de la Faculté de biologie et de médecine (FBM) de l'UNIL a récompensé les talents de quelques personnalités de la Faculté avec la remise de 12 FBM Awards le jeudi 22 juin 2023 dans le cadre de sa soirée d'été. À cette occasion, un hommage a également été rendu aux professeur·e·s honoraires nommé·e·s en 2023.

Published on 23 Jun 2023

Outstanding Mentoring Award
Matthias Stuber
In recognition for his exceptional contribution to the training of young talents and for his commitment to the new generation of academics.

Clinical Practice Award
Maria-Helena Perez
In recognition for her outstanding contribution to the improvements of the quality of patient care and medical practice.

Clinical Practice Award
Khalil Zaman
In recognition for his outstanding contribution to the improvements of the quality of patient care and medical practice.

Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award - School of Biology
Anne-Sophie Chauvin
For her excellent involvement in the Bachelor program of the School of Biology, in particular her remarkable commitment to the improvement of teaching and her availability to students.

Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award - School of Medicine
Marie Théaudin
For her commitment to the training of future doctors and continuous improvement in clinical neurology teaching.

Special Award for Outstanding Dedication in Practical Teaching
Tadeusz Kawecki
For his involvement in the Bachelor and Master programs of the School of Biology, in particular for the exemplary follow-up of the students enrolled on his program.

Young Researcher in Basic Sciences Award
Vittoria Mariano
In recognition for her significant contributions to the field of Autism Spectrum Disorders, especially her research on the ASD risk gene CYFIP1 using the Drosophila melanogaster model. Her studies have shed light on how CYFIP1 contributes to regulating brain lipid homeostasis affecting sleep behavior and mitochondrial metabolism affecting social behavior.

Young Researcher in Clinical Sciences Award
Luis Alameda
In recognition for his research in the field of psychiatry from genetics to psychopathology and treatment. In particular for his investigation of the impact of childhood trauma on psychosis and identification of the psychological and biological mediators that link childhood adversity to psychosis across the spectrum.

Jürg Tschopp Basic Life Sciences Award
Richard Benton
In recognition for his groundbreaking research on olfaction in insects, especially his pioneering discoveries on the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, and his significant contributions to understanding the mechanisms by which environmental chemicals are detected and processed in the brain to elicit behavior. His research has greatly advanced our understanding of this complex sensory system.

Lifetime Achievement Award
Werner Held
In recognition for his pioneering research on the molecular mechanisms that underlie CD8 T cell mediated protection in both infection and cancer. Additionally, his discovery of Tcf1, a transcription factor crucial for the formation of long-lived CD8 T cell-memory, has significantly advanced our understanding of the immune system’s response to disease with the potential to lead to new treatments.

Communication Award
Yohann Thenaisie
For his creative way of communicating science and what goes on behind the scenes of science to the general public.

Equality Award
Aude Fauvel
In recognition for her work and dedication to the history of the first female medical doctors and on the interactions between feminism and medical practices.


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