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Walk & Talk à la GLOBE Winter School in International Relations

Retour enthousiaste à l'école doctorale de relations internationales GLOBE dans les Alpes suisses

Published on 26 Jan 2024

Nestled in the breathtaking Swiss Alps, the GLOBE Winter School in International Relations served as a unique platform for PhD students and early post-doc researchers to delve into the field. Collaborating with peers from Groningen, Lausanne, Oslo, Brussels, and Erfurt, the school emphasized recent epistemological advancements in non-positivist scholarship.

With the overarching theme "Facing Failure in International Relations," this year's sessions explored various realms of failure, delving into policy, security, regulatory, market, and development aspects. Beyond the dichotomy of failure/success, participants critically examined the concept, questioning the circumstances under which something is deemed a failure.

Additionally, we are delighted to share a message from the organiser Jean-Christophe Graz:

"Un grand plaisir de reprendre l'école doctorale de relations internationales #GLOBE dans les Alpes suisses avec des collègues de l'ULB Bruxelles, Leeds, Groningen, Queen Mary, City U London et des étudiants de toute l'Europe. Merci au Service des Relations Internationales et à l'Institut d'Etudes Politiques (IEP) de l'UNIL pour leur soutien indéfectible."

"So great to enjoy #GLOBE international relations doctoral school again in the Swiss Alps with colleagues from ULB Brussels, Leeds, Groningen, Queen Mary, City U London & students from all over Europe. Thanks to IR Office & Institut d’Etudes Politiques (IEP) of UNIL Lausanne for indefectible support."

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