UNIL's approach is based on the excellence of its research and the interdisciplinary of its teaching.
UNIL is home to several thousand researchers who are driving cutting-edge research forward.
UNIL offers a wide range of courses at bachelor, master, doctorate, postgraduate, short programme, full-time and part-time levels.
Working for UNIL means joining a dynamic and fulfilling working environment in an innovative and prestigious setting.
Science and research for everyone: discover UNIL's wide range of events and media!
In Lausanne, a campus on the shores of Lake Geneva, a place to live, experiment, discover and learn.
Intervention de René Knüsel, dans l'émission "Basik" de la Radio Télevision Suisse le 18 novembre 2024.
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Aujourd'hui, près d'un retraité sur trois continue de travailler à 65 ans. Certains souhaitent même que ce chiffre augmente, notamment pour répondre à la pénurie de main-d'œuvre dans l'industrie. Mais quels types d'emplois occupent ces retraités actifs ? (© RTS).
Intervention du Professeur Knüsel à 8m40.