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Presentation of Corv to the UNIL-FBM-CHUV community

The new secure transcription tool developed by the DCSR enables audio and video files to be transcribed automatically. The service is free, easy to use and compatible with data protection regulations.

Published on 11 Mar 2025
Crow ‘Corv’ transcribing a recording
Crow ‘Corv’ transcribing a recording © CC-BY 4.0 @cata.clombe

According to the prerogatives of the FADP, LPrD, HRA and HRO, it is necessary to take adequate protection measures for the processing and analysis of sensitive personal data. The new Corv platform, offered by the Division Calcul et Soutien à la Recherche (DCSR), meets these requirements for transcriptions.
It stores the data transmitted on servers located at UNIL, then deletes it once the transcript has been downloaded. Access to the service is via the campus network or the UNIL VPN. For more information, see the Ci blog post.


Several short 15 minutes online presentations, followed by questions, will be offered to the UNIL-FBM-CHUV community in April to help you discover the tool and ask any questions you may have. We invite you to connect to this Zoom link on :


Do you have questions?



Hugo Hueber

Research Engineer, Ci/DCSR

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