2022 workshops and events

March 4th: CV checks (trainer = Slavica Masina, Skills for Scientists)

April 1st: Stepping up on campus (trainer = Siara Isaac, EPFL-Centre for learning science)

April 11th and 12th: Introduction to Adobe Illustrator (trainer = Hicham Delanoui; Supported by the Centre Informatique-UNIL)

May 6th: From Bench Smart to Business Smart  workshop 1(trainer = Maria Nikolou; Supported and co-organised by the HUB-UNIL)

May 12th: Life Science Career Day, Skills for Scientists stand (Slavica Masina and Davide Croci)

May 20th: How to create a winning CV for industry positions in Switzerland (trainer = Slavica Masina, Skills for Scientists)

July 10th: Creating a LinkedIN profile that will get you noticed (trainer = Slavica Masina, Skills for Scientists)

July 16th: Roundtable: Careers in Scientific Communication and Outreach (Organised by Skills for Scientists and REATCH; 6 panelists)

September 2nd: CV checks (trainer = Slavica Masina, Skills for Scientists)

September 16th: From Bench Smart to Business Smart workshop 2  (trainer = Maria Nikolou; Supported and co-organised by the HUB-UNIL)

September 26th and 27th: Introduction to Adobe Illustrator (trainer = Hicham Delanoui; Supported by the Centre Informatique-UNIL)

October 5th: Career Morning Roundtable: For Masters in Medical Biology Students. Featuring 5 FBM alumni. Organised by Skills for Scientists in collaboration with the FBM Biology School

November 4th: Applying for a post-doc position in the life sciences (trainer = Slavica Masina, Skills for Scientists). Featuring 2 FBM alumni.

November 10th: Careers in Pedagogy, Teaching and Education Roundtable. Featuring 4 panelists inclduing 3 FBM alumni (Organised by Skills for Scientists in collaboration wtih the EPDA)

December 2nd: From Bench Smart to Business Smart workshop 3  (trainer = Maria Nikolou; Supported and co-organised by the HUB-UNIL)

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Tel. +41 21 692 50 45