What is the Swiss Plant Science Web?

Swiss Plant Science Web Network

The Swiss Plant Science Web is a network for plant scientists from the various Swiss Universities.

It is a national structure which is divided in three local network including :

ALPS Arc Lémanique Plant Science University of Geneva & Lausanne
PSC Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center University of Basel & Zürich, ETH
BeNeFri Bern/ Neuchâtel / Fribourg University of Bern, Neuchâtel & Fribourg


The goals of the SPSW include :

- Education
- Network
- Technology Platform

Each local network follows the same goals while each of them takes a specific role in the overall running structure.

Additional information on the network can be accessed through the following link : www.swissplantscienceweb.ch


BeNeFri networks is composed of scientists at the Universities of Bern, Neuchâtel and Fribourg.

Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center is composed of scientists from the Universities of Basel and Zurich and from the ETHZ

Both BeNeFri and PSC have specific technology platform available to each Swiss Plant Scientist to access namely :

- CAS : Chemical Analysis Service at BeNeFri
- GDC : Genetic Diversity Center at the PSC

Université de LausanneUniversité de Genève