
Mystères de l'Unil 2024 - Workshop on Ecopoetics

In May 2024, the English section proposed a highly successful workshop on ecopoetics during the Mystères de l’UNIL. Children from 4 to 16 learned about how poetry can give a voice to the earth and to make us feel more connected to the natural world that we are inherently a part of. Children read and analyzed a short poem and made a bracelet with colors representing the 4 elements (earth, water, air and fire) and a color for themselves, signifying their belonging and interconnectedness with the natural world. Over 450 children came to our workshop over the course of 4 days. A huge thanks to the team of MA and BA students who helped create and animate the workshop: Hèlène Martin, William Flores, Donjeta Sokoli, Millie Andrews and Antonella Cimone. Organisers: Agnieszka Soltysik Monnet, Maxime Pellaton and Corey Heimlich.

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