Application for Services
Concepts and practical aspects of the tests are found under Techniques and Services. After identifying the appropriate test(s), the applicant is invited to address to the CAF supervisor via email or phone. He/she is asked to provide a short description of his/her project for evaluation. A discussion meeting between the CAF supervisor, the CAF director (Dr. Thierry Pedrazzini) and the requesting laboratory is then scheduled to decide on the final strategy and provide a cost estimate. At this point, a filled Request for Service Form is signed by both the Principal Investigator of the requesting laboratory and the CAF supervisor, and a schedule is planned for the test. Applications should be sent several weeks prior the experiments.
Priority access is on a "first come-first served" basis. Therefore, last-minute requests might be honored with a significant delay. The CAF supervisor, however, has some flexibility towards priority access, which might depend on practical aspects. The laboratory requesting service of the CAF agrees to provide the required animals for the planned experiments, and to pay the CAF the appropriate fees. The applicant also acknowledges and accepts that the final price and total number of animals required to complete the test may vary according to difficulties encountered specifically with some rodent models.