Mercredi 5 avril 2023 16h15-18h
Salle de l’Écurie, Fondation Jean Monnet pour l’Europe
Ferme de Dorigny, Université de Lausanne
Jacob Kornbeck is a European civil servant and was previously in charge of anti-doping issues in the European Commission's Sport Unit (2001-14). He teaches at the German Sport University in Cologne (sports management) and at the University of Lille (sports law). The opinions expressed are strictly personal and do not commit the European Union institutions
To what extent can antitrust law - and especially its antitrust component - generate a rethink of sport governance? The collective work "EU Antitrust Law and Sport Governance: The Next Frontier?" is the result of an interdisciplinary collaboration between lawyers, economists and sport management experts. After an introduction to the topic, the coordinator will summarise the different chapters and discuss their contributions with Swiss experts and the audience.
This event unfortunately had to be cancelled.