Research Highlights
The Computational Systems Oncology lab led by Giovanni had kept growing during 2017, with the arrival of Daniele and Marie, who started their PhD in March and July, respectively, and the hiring of Yuanlong, who will start his post-doc in January 2018. During this year several projects have seen their full development and completion, including the systematic exploration of DNA methylation changes across human cancers and quantitative and qualitative features of intra-tumor heterogeneity. The related manuscripts are currently in review. This year, we celebrated the successful completion of a project on lymphoma genetics, in collaboration with Elisa Oricchio at EPFL, and Marco’s paper on evolutionary dependencies in cancer and how these affect therapeutic response. This article was featured in the cover of Cancer Cell and highlighted in the same journal and in Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology. Finally, in 2017 we started new projects and collaborations to study the chromatin 3D structure in cancerous cells, and the results so far indicates an exciting 2018!