How to reach us

To contact us:

Department of Ecology and Evolution
UNIL Sorge
Le Biophore
CH - 1015 Lausanne

Phone: +41 21 692 41 60
Fax : +41 21 692 41 65


See here an interactive plan of the Dorigny Campus


By road:

  • Highway direction «Lausanne-Sud»
  • Exit «UNIL – EPFL»
  • Drive about 800 m. in direction of Morges until you reach a bus stop called “Champagne”.
  • Turn on the right, “Avenue Forel
  • There is a STOP at the end of the “Avenue Forel”. Turn to the right.
  • Pass the building CUBOTRON on your right hand and 20 meters after, turn on your right to enter the visitors parking.
  • You can park your car in the white parking spots (you will need some CHF coins for the ticket machine).
  • From this parking, take the stairs at the right hand of the AMPHIMAX Building. At the top of the stairs, turn to the left. Continue strait-away until you reach the BIOPHORE Building.
  • When entering into the building, you will be at Level 2. The DEE secretarial office is located at level 3, room 3109.


By public transportation:

From Lausanne railway station:

  • In front of Lausanne railway station’s main exit, take the Metro M2 going to "Croisettes" or "Sallaz" (uphill), change at the station "Lausanne-Flon"
  • Then the metro M1 going to "Renens CFF". They all leave in the same direction and all circulate through to the campus.
  • Get off at the stop «UNIL-Sorge» (and not «UNIL-Dorigny»!)


From Renens railway station:

  • Tramway M1, direction «Lausanne Flon»
  • «UNIL-Sorge» stop

Plan_reseau_TL.pdf  (197 Ko)

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