
| Information Systems | Complexity Science

The interdisciplinary scientific approach developed at DESI combines complementary research fields, methods, approaches, skills and results. The Department comprises researchers in different fields (management, computer science and engineering, mathematics and logic, biology and cybercrime) who are organized into groups:

Information Systems

The Information Systems group’s research interests relate to design-related and managerial aspects of Information Technology (IT). Following the “Managing as designing” paradigm, it focuses on the conceptualization, modeling and evaluation of information systems, organizations and business models.

Professors :

- Prof. Mauro Cherubini : Persuasive Technology Lab

- Dr. Thibault Estier: Evolution of Information Systems.

- Prof. Benoît Garbinato: Distributed software architecture external icon.svg

- Prof. Kévin Huguenin : Information Security & Privacy external icon.svg

- Prof. Mathias Humbert : Cybersecurity, privacy, and machine learning

- Prof. Christine Legner: Business information systems and architectures external icon.svg

- Prof. Stéphanie Missonier: Visual Lab

- Prof. Yash Raj Shrestha : Applied AI Lab

- Prof. Michalis Vlachos : Big data, machine learning, recommender systems and information retrieval

- Prof. Liudmila Zavolokina : Digital Innovation Lab 

Complexity Science

The specificities of this group rely upon a transdisciplinary research and teaching interests related to the dynamics of complex systems and their interrelations in order to contribute to solve complex problems related to economics, finance, health, security, risk and crisis management.

Professor :

- Prof. Alessandro Villa: Complexity in functional networks and neural information processing external icon.svg


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Tel. +41 21 692 35 80
Fax +41 21 692 35 85
Association of MBAs (AMBA)EFMD EQUIS AccreditedQuantitative Techniques for Economics & Management (QTEM)Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME)