
| Professors | Research Assistants

Currently the teaching in international law at the Faculty is coordinated by the Chaire de droit international public (DIP) (Chair in Public International Law), an integral part of the Centre de droit comparé, européen et international (CDCEI) (Centre for Comparative, European and International Law). A number of adjunct professors support theses efforts.

The CDCEI is the successor institution to the first Institute of Comparative Law created in Switzerland (Institut de droit comparé) in 1963. In 1993 this institute has has been endowed with a Chair in European Law and - after the dissolution of the old Institut d’études de droit international (IEDI) in 2001 - it first welcomed the Chair in Private international Law and later the Chair of Public International Law (that had been hosted by the Centre for Public Law for a while).

The first teachings in international law at the University were given by Jean Barbeyrac starting in 1711. He had been appointed in 1708 as the first Chair in Law at what was then called the Académie de Lausanne - the predecssor of the University of Lausanne.


PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW - Centre for Comparative, European and International Law (CDCEI)

School of Law - Faculty of Law, Criminal Justice and Public Administration

Quartier Chamberonne, Building Internef - CH - 1015 Lausanne



Daniela Serracca-Fraccalvieri, 3rd Floor, Office 318 - Phone : +41 21 692 27 60 - Email:





Andreas R. Ziegler

Evelyne Schmid




Research Assistants


Assistants Professor Evelyne SCHMID

Claudio Cerqueira

Jelena Protic


Assistants Professor Andreas R. ZIEGLER

Leo Barnard

Raphaël Bagi



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