

The Department of Operations offers numerous courses at Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral level.

It has a particular focus on "Business Analytics" orientation of the Master in Management with courses that specifically include topics in the areas of Supply Chain Management, Operations Strategy, Data Science, Modeling, and Business Intelligence, to name just a few.


The Department of Operations carries out research in areas such as supply and production chain management and processes, analyzing decisions and queuing theories. You will find more details about specific research areas and ongoing projects on our "Research" page.

Anthropole - CH-1015 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 692 36 50
Fax +41 21 692 33 05
Association of MBAs (AMBA)EFMD EQUIS AccreditedQuantitative Techniques for Economics & Management (QTEM)Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME)