
The objectives of the programme are the following;

  • Develop FORS and UNIL’s reputation as centers for high-quality research regarding social science methods and substantive research nationally and internationally
  • Develop quantitative skills and know-how in Switzerland
  • Contribute to the improvement of survey methodology
  • Contribute to methodological innovations and substantive research in the social sciences
  • Contribute to the discussion among different stakeholders in the area of social science methods

To achieve these objectives, the following strategies are applied:

  • High quality publications (using FORS data) and development of guidelines for researchers and practitioners
  • Collaboration in teaching (using FORS data)
  • Collaboration and development of research ideas leading to grant proposals at the national and international level
  • Collaboration in the organization of events
  • Participation in scientific activities and strategic co-operations, such as advisory boards, editorial boards etc.
CH-1015 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 692 22 00
Fax +41 21 692 22 11