Introduction to Master in Medical Biology (MB)

What we offer

  • Studies of the molecular mechanisms involved in physiology and human pathophysiology

  • Initiation to translational research (Interface between basic research and clinical applications)

  • Acquisition of advanced technologies in basic research (genomics, imaging, electrophysiology, transgenesis,…)

  • Developments of new diagnostic and therapeutic tools

Our competences

  • Immunology and cancer

  • Metabolism, obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular pathologies

  • Pharmacology & toxicology

  • Medical microbiology

  • Neuroscience


There is no entry exam for this master program but  the students are strongly encouraged to know basic concepts with a list provided here.

At the end of the Master of Science (MSc) studies in Medical Biology (hereinafter Master), students will be able to:

  1. Use scientific knowledge and creativity to solve scientific problems in pre-clinical and clinical medical biology.

  2. Answer a biological question by observation, collection of data from experiments and/or computational analyses.

  3. Observe and learn, both theoretically and experimentally, and adapt to new information.

  4. Analyse various types of data obtained either from their own research or from the scientific literature, to integrate and synthesise them.

  5. Handle, analyse and synthesise bibliographic resources (databases, scientific journals etc.), during the design and implementation of a scientific project.

  6. Critically appraise their own and others’ scientific methods, results and conclusions.
  7. Engage in scientific discussions and problem solving.

  8. Organise and manage their work and projects individually and in a team, including being proactive in using key resources.

  9. Communicate about science orally and in writing (seminars, posters, written reports and scientific articles).

  10. Defend a project in front of experts and explain its broader societal relevance.

  11. Be fluent in written and oral scientific English.

Specific training objectives by specialisations are described on their individual webpages.


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Department of Immunobiology
Head of the Master MB
Ch. des Boveresses 155


Prof. Marie-Christine Broillet
Department of Biomedical Sciences

Co-Head of the Master MB

Office 314
Rue du Bugnon 27
CH-1011 Lausanne

Tel. +41 21 692 53 69

For any administrative question (e.g. registration, equivalencies, etc.) : please contact the School of Biology.

Descriptive Flyer
of Master MB



CH-1015 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 692 40 10
Fax +41 21 692 40 05