Alumni & Careers with a doctorate

Life Science Career Day

Launch your career, broaden your horizons

Each year, the Doctoral School organises the Life Science Career Day in collaboration with the BSNL association to help students and early career researchers make the transition from university to employment.

This large-scale event allows them to meet with employers and alumni, to better understand the transversal skills that are nowadays looked for and to discover the variety of roles of scientists in society.

The 13th edition will take place on May 2, 2025 at the SwissTech Convention Center.

More information here.

Pictures © Julien Gianotti

Useful information about academic careers
Our publications that focus on the transition to the first job
Our alumni community

You graduated from the Doctoral School and you are now a Doctor in the field of life and health sciences? Learn here how you can:

  • Keep in touch with the Faculty of Biology and Medicine & the University of Lausanne.
  • Meet your peers and develop your personal & professional network!
Other career support (the list is not exhaustive)


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