

Benefits of EUROCALL membership:

  • ReCALL subscription (3 issues/year)
  • registration at EUROCALL conferences at reduced rates
  • access to a range of resources
  • membership of the EUROCALL and CALICO discussion list
  • access to an international network of informations, technical skills, exchanges

For more specific informations, consult Eurocall website


There are 2 categories of EUROCALL membership:

Individual = open to any individual interested in the field of language learning and teaching. This includes university lecturers, schoolteachers and staff of commercial organisations applying in a private capacity. Rate : 90 euros
Student / Retiree Rate : 65 euros


Enrolment form.

Eurocall 2024


Eurocall conference will take place in Trnava (Slovaquia) from 26 to 29 August

Centre de langues - Anthropole - CH-1015 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 692 29 20
Fax +41 21 692 29 17
Université de Lausanne