3. First weeks / ISTE life

3.1. Registration at the ISTE Secretariat | 3.2. ISTE Website | 3.3. Sick leave / illness notification | 3.4. Protection of the health of pregnant or breastfeeding women | 3.6. Laboratory support | 3.5. Resources in case of workplace harassment | 3.7. Economat, letterbox, correspondence | 3.8. Holidays | 3.9. Computer-Hardware

3.1. Registration at the ISTE Secretariat

The first thing you should do when you arrive and leave the Institute is contact the secretariat (office 3646 ; mailto:secretariat-iste@unil.ch), where you will have to check an “Arrival and departure” document (campus card, contract, IT access, mailbox, etc...).

The ISTE secretariat is your main point of contact for all administrative things in the university and the Institute. Anne-Marie Chagros and Anne Besse can help you if you need any information concerning the university in general and the ISTE in particular.

Krystel Fazzi will guide you in case you have any question regarding accounting issues.


3.2. ISTE Website

The ISTE website grants you access to the information you would usually require concerning everything in the institute.

  • If you would like to transmit/publish/edit information about your research or events please contact Anne-Marie Chagros (anne-marie.chagros@unil.ch)
  • Personal website on MyUnil : It is the responsibility of each individual to keep it updated. The guidelines concerning this can be found on the UNIL Intranet
  • For internal (WordPress) websites regarding your research group, please contact your research group leader


3.3. Sick leave / illness notification

Illness and accidents are governed by the directive 1.28 of the UNIL direction.


3.4. Protection of the health of pregnant or breastfeeding women

Once the employee informs her hierarchical superior of her pregnancy, the superior has to proceed to an evaluation of the working environment of the pregnant woman in order to identify any dangers to which the employee or her child could be exposed. This document and its annex guides the hierarchical superior(s) in doing so.


3.6. Laboratory support

For any support or questions related to laboratories, please address Dr. Benita Putlitz (benita.putlitz@unil.ch)


3.5. Resources in case of workplace harassment

In case of an ISTE employee feels harassed or threatened at his workplace, by collaborators of any hierarchical level, she or he may contact any of the following people. It is better to start with the ISTE internal contact persons.


  • UNIL psychologists : +41 21 692 45 70


3.7. Economat, letterbox, correspondence

Letterbox is located in office 3641, close to the secretariat. The post arrives usually after 10am every morning. You can deposit letters to be sent there (every day before 3pm). Please note that only official or work-related letters/parcels are sent and paid for by UNIL for staff. Private mail must have the appropriate stamps in order to be sent from the ISTE mailroom.


3.8. Holidays

Regarding holidays, all UNIL employees are governed by the general rules of the Canton de Vaud. The following general rules apply :

  • Employees employed at 100% have 5 weeks of holidays (6 weeks after the age of 60) 
  • Holidays can be requested via email to the supervisor at least 4 weeks before the holiday date
  • The number of holiday days is proportional to the percentage of employment. 100% employment = 25 holiday days / year. 80% employment = 20 holiday days / year

For more information contact the ISTE secretariat (secretariat-iste@unil.ch)

To help you out, please use this file Holidays form file maker


3.9. Computer-Hardware

Purchasing a PC based on a ‘fonds d’état’ (Vaud funding) needs to follow the guidelines of the UNIL ‘Centre Informatique’ (informatics center). Every request for purchase of new equipment should be made via the CI using the form on their webpage - Achats informatiques-Ci UNIL and in collaboration with the supervisor (hierarchical superior).

Important: You can’t ask for refund for a machine you bought on your own, without passing via the CI website !

