LREN Alumni
Serena Quarta, MSc FBM student
Giulia DiDomenicantonio, Nuclear Medicine, CHUV
Tatjana Schmidt, PhD candidate, University Cambridge, UK
Clara Minh-Ha Nguyen, PhD candidate University Tübingen, Germany
Olga Trofimova, post-doc BERGMANN group CGI-UNIL
Sofia Kypraiou, MSc EPFL Life Sciences
Simona Lesseri, MSc EPFL Life Sciences
Quentin Nicolas Fisch, MSc EPFL Life Sciences
Huy Thong Phan, MSc EPFL Life Sciences
Tristan Schilling, MSc EPFL Life Sciences
Matthias Verzijl, MSc University Leiden, NL
Ayberk Ozkirli, MSc EPFL Life Sciences
Aurelie Manuel Stocker, post-doc Swiss National Science Foundation fellow
Lydia Horwath, FBM biology MSc student
Lucien Gyger, Lemanic Neurosciences Doctoral Student, UNIL
Nikita Sidorenko, FBM biology MSc student
Wiktor Olszowy, post-doctoral fellow
Renaud Marquis, Lemanic Neurosciences Doctoral Student, UNIL
Claudia Modenato, Lemanic Neurosciences Doctoral Student, UNIL
Sandra Martin-Brevet, Lemanic Neurosciences Doctoral Student, UNIL
Lester Melie-Garcia, post-doctoral fellow
Leyla Loued-Kheynissi, EPFL Neuroscience programme
Anne Ruef, Lemanic Neurosciences Doctoral Student, UNIL
Sandrine Muller, Lemanic Neurosciences Doctoral Student, UNIL
Elham Barzegaram, Lemanic Neurosciences Doctoral Student, UNIL
David Slater, Lemanic Neurosciences Doctoral Student, UNIL
Elisabeth Roggenhofer, MD Clinical Research Fellow
Elsa Juan, Lemanic Neurosciences Doctoral Student, UNIL
Borja Rodriguez-Herreros, PhD Post-doctoral Fellow
Sigita Venclove, Swiss-Lithuianian scientific exchange programme
Jonathan Sulc, Research Assistant
Phannie Bidlingmeyer, FBM biology MSc student
Evdokia Toumpouli, UniGe MSc student
Myriam Mattej, FBM biology MSc student
Sara Lorio, Lemanic Neurosciences Doctoral Student, UNIL
Melissa Saenz, Principal Investigator
Melody Laeser, Doctoral student - Psychology, UNIL
Natacha Vida Martins, EPFL Life Sciences MSc Student, UNIL
Valérie Zufferey, Lemanic Neurosciences Doctoral Student, UNIL
Ladina Weitnauer, Medical Student at CHUV
Samuel Fresard, Medical Student at CHUV
Adrien Boissenin, Master of Life Science Engineering - EPFL
Linda Dib, post-doctoral fellow
Athina Tzovara, post-doctoral fellow
Ettore Accolla, clinical research fellow
Coralie Bastin, visiting Doctoral Student, University of Melbourne
Stanislaw Adaszewski, visiting doctoral student
Selma Aybek, Affiliated Principle Investigator
Christian Carmeli, post-doctoral fellow
Nathalie Charriere, Master of Science Student in Biomedical Sciences, University of Bern
Sandra Da Costa, Lemanic Neurosciences Doctoral Student, UNIL
Jürgen Dukart, post-doctoral fellow
Celine Gilioz, Master of Science student - FBM, UNIL
Arthur Marchewka, post-doctoral fellow
Romana Rytsar, post-doctoral fellow
Maxime Schubiger, civil service volunteer
Yohan Boillat, Master of Life Science Engineering - EPFL
Anne Maillard, Life Sciences Doctoral student - FBM, UNIL
Nathalie Ata Nguepnjo Nguissi, Master of Science in Medical Biology, UNIL
Fabrizio Pizzagalli, post-doctoral fellow
Yanick Derighetti, Biological Medicine MSc student, UNIL
Gaelle Weatherill, Biological Medicine MSc student, UNIL
Jing Cui, Lemanic Neurosciences Doctoral Student, UNIL