The MSc ENVI's programm is organized around averaged teaching modules. You can find here below its composition and course descriptions for the 2024/25 academic year.
Module 1 - Foundations in environmental science - 10 ECTS |
Courses |
Fall |
Spring |
Eval. |
Validation |
4 |
Pratical |
1 |
Oral |
3 |
Pratical |
2 |
Module 2 - Environmental data and systems analysis - 20 ECTS |
Courses |
Fall |
Spring |
Eval. |
Pratical |
5 |
Laboratory methods: experiments, measurements and uncertainties |
Oral |
5 |
Written |
5 |
Pratical |
5 |
Machine Learning for Earth and Environmental Sciences |
Pratical |
5 |
Pratical |
5 |
Advanced Geospatial Data Analysis - practical concepts and environmental applications |
Pratical |
5 |
Courses |
Fall |
Spring |
Eval. |
Oral |
3 |
Pratical |
3 |
Written |
4 |
Pratical |
5 |
Aquatic ecosystems: consultancy proposals, analyses and reports |
Pratical |
4 |
Tracing biogeochemical processes and fluxes using isotope analysis |
Pratical |
2 |
Field and laboratory methods (I): The UNIL campus as a microcosm |
Pratical |
5 |
Pratical |
4 |
Courses |
Fall |
Spring |
Eval. |
Pratical |
3 |
Oral |
3 |
Pratical |
2 |
Risk management (monitoring, early warning, post-disaster preparedness) |
Oral |
2 |
Oral |
5 |
Pratical |
5 |
Pratical |
5 |
Pratical |
5 |
Courses |
Fall |
Spring |
Eval. |
Pratical |
4 |
Pratical |
5 |
Pratical |
5 |
Pratical |
3 |
Aquatic ecosystems: consultancy proposals analyses and reports |
Pratical |
4 |
Oral |
5 |
Pratical |
4 |
Module 4 - Optionnal courses - 6 ECTS |
Courses |
Fall |
Spring |
Eval. |
Pratical |
3 |
Pratical |
3 |
Pratical |
3 |
Integrated Practical Work Mountain Ecosystems in the Alps |
4 |
Pratical | 3 |
Module 5 - Free choice courses - 14 ECTS |
Courses |
Fall |
Spring |
Eval. |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
Module 6 - Master's thesis - 40 ECTS |
Courses |
Fall |
Spring |
Eval. |
-- |
-- |
Master's thesis |
40 |