Nanotechnologies et société
Kaufmann A., Joseph C., El-Bez C. and Audétat M. (2010) « Why enrol citizens in the governance of nanotechnology ? », in Kaiser M., Kurath M., Maasen S. and Rehmann-Sutter C. (Eds) Governing Future Technologies. Nanotechnology and the Rise of an Assessment Regime, Springer : Sociology of the Sciences Yearbook, Vol. 27, pp. 201-215.
Joly P.-B. and Kaufmann A. (2008) « Lost in translation ? The need for "upstream engagement" with nanotechnology on trial », Science as Culture, 17(3), pp. 225-247.
Pohl C., Kaufmann A. and Nussbaum S. (2006) Social debate about new technologies: What nanotechnologies may learn from the GMO controversy. Summary of the workshop organized by Nanopublic, td-net and the Forum for genetic research of the Swiss Academy of Sciences, Bern, November 6th.
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