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Publication Société Psychologie Recherche

Detecting collective cheating culture in academic contexts

New publication of Cinzia Zanetti, Première Assistante, et Professeur Fabrizio Butera (Institut de psychologie, UnilaPS), in Journal of Experimental Educational Psychology

Publié le 22 janv. 2025


Collective cheating is a widespread phenomenon in school and academia. A large majority of students report having cheated—individually or collectively—at school. In many settings, collective cheating is part of a culture and reveals a descriptive norm. However, no measure exists, to our knowledge, that captures the presence of a collective cheating culture in a school or academic environment. The present research aimed to develop and validate an instrument that could account for the existence and extent of a collective cheating culture that may constitute a descriptive norm, translating the acceptance of this form of dishonesty. Study 1 was planned to develop the Culture of Collective Cheating Scale (CCCS). Studies 2 and 3 evaluated the validity of the CCCS.

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