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FBM Awards 2017: honneur à l'excellence

Le Décanat de la FBM a récompensé les talents de quelques personnalités de la Faculté avec la remise de 7 FBM Awards le jeudi 8 juin 2017. A cette occasion, un hommage a également été rendu aux professeurs honoraires de l'UNIL nommés en 2017.

Publié le 15 juin 2017

Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award
Frédéric Schütz
For his excellent and innovative teaching performances in statistics with an enthusiasm that is highly appreciated by the students

Outstanding Student's Guidance Award
Richard Benton
For his outstanding contribution to the Summer Undergraduate Research (SUR) Programme for foreign students and thus contributing to the international visibility of education at the FBM

Clinical Practice Award
Marie-Denise Schaller
In recognition for her outstanding contribution to the improvement of the quality of patient care and medical practice

Outstanding Mentoring Award
Stephanie Clarke
In recognition for her exceptional contribution to the training of young talents and for her commitment to the new generation of academics

Young Researcher in Basic Sciences Award
Lucia Prieto Godino
For her work on the evolution of neural circuits using the drosophila olfactory system and for her remarkable outreach activities, in particular her involvement with the organisation «Trend in Africa», which brings high-level science education opportunities to communities with limited resources

Lifetime Achievement Award
Giuseppe Pantaleo
For his exceptional contribution to the fields of T-lymphocytes and HIV infection, in particular his seminal discoveries that shaped the understanding of the immunopathogenesis of HIV infection

Communication Award
Philippe Christe
For his outstanding commitment to the development and implementation of communication strategies for the general public in the field of biology

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