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Emploi Finance

Information concerning the 2021 tax returns

Since 2020, for the preparation of tax returns, the tax authorities of each canton have specified the methods for determining deductible expenses, particularly those related to teleworking.

Publié le 16 déc. 2021

Since 2020, for the preparation of tax returns, the tax authorities of each canton have specified the methods for determining deductible expenses, particularly those related to teleworking. Therefore, the mention “L’UNIL a respecté les consignes ou recommandations cantonales et fédérales en matière de télétravail. Cependant, lorsque les activités d’un·e collaborateur·trice ne pouvaient être effectuées en télétravail, celles-ci ont été réalisées sur site” has been added under number 15 of your salary certificate.


As far as Vaud taxpayers are concerned, the Directorate General of Taxation of the canton of Vaud has specified that, when completing the tax return, the number of days taken into account for the deduction of travel and meal expenses must be reduced by the days spent teleworking. If necessary, the tax authority may ask the taxpayer to justify the number of days worked on site. In this case, it is the employer who will be able to certify this information, provided that it has been entered into the relevant tools.


For any additional information related to the tax provisions of your canton of residence or domicile, please refer to the tax administration of your canton.

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