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New Horizons for Innovation Studies − Doing Without, Doing With Less

Publication de l'ouvrage de Dominique Vinck, ISS-UNIL et de Frédéric Goulet, CIRAD aux Editions Edward Elgar.

Publié le 16 janv. 2024

New Horizons for Innovation Studies - Doing Without, Doing With Less

Destabilisation, Discontinuation and Decline as Horizons for Transformation

Edited by Frédéric Goulet, Researcher, UMR Innovation, Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement (CIRAD), France, and Visiting scientist, Sustainable Agrifood Systems Program, Centro internacional de mejoramiento de maíz y trigo (CIMMYT), Mexico and Dominique Vinck, Professor, STS Lab, Institut des Sciences Sociales, University of Lausanne, Switzerland

This timely book takes an insightful look at rethinking innovation and how lessons can be learnt from what is a major turning point in our contemporary societies: the urgent need to reduce the use or consumption of certain substances and technologies due to the dangers they pose to our environments and current way of life. Using theoretical reflection and empirical work in a broad range of sectors including agriculture, food, health, religion, energy, packaging, markets and digital technology, eminent scholars utilise new perspectives to enrich our understanding of innovation processes and how these can be transformed.

Editions Edward Elgar

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