studying time use in Switzerland
The question of how people spend and structure their time has been a core interest of the social sciences for decades. By measuring the paterns of everyday human behaviour, tme-use data reveal the social division of labour and shed light on differences in consumption, leisure and care (Cornell, Gershuny & Sullivan 2019). For this reason, a growing number of European countries conduct naonally representative tme use surveys (TUS), producing rich sources of social science data. However, this has not yet been the case for Switzerland. Therefore, researchers from LIVES and FORS would like to launch a collaborative project on tme use in Switzerland, involving the implementation of nationally representative TUS.
We plan to conduct the TUS as part of an externally funded project consisting of several work packages, each focusing on a substantive question of interest in the social sciences. We therefore invite interested LIVES and FORS researchers to submit a short proposal for a work package on the study of time use that could be integrated into a joint project to be submited to the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) for funding.