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FBM Awards 2024: honneur à l'excellence

Le Décanat de la Faculté de biologie et de médecine (FBM) de l'UNIL a récompensé les talents de quelques personnalités de la Faculté avec la remise de 13 FBM Awards le jeudi 20 juin 2024 dans le cadre de sa soirée d'été. À cette occasion, un hommage a également été rendu aux professeur·e·s honoraires nommé·e·s en 2024.

Publié le 20 juin 2024

Outstanding Mentoring Award
Yolanda Schaerli
In recognition for her exceptional contribution to the training of young talents and for her commitment to the new generation of academics

Clinical Practice Award
Olivier Rouaud
In recognition for his outstanding contribution to the improvements of the quality of patient care and medical practice

Clinical Practice Award
Émilie Uldry
In recognition for her outstanding contribution to the improvements of the quality of patient care and medical practice

Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award - School of Biology
Philipp Engel
For his outstanding involvement within the biology programs

Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award - School of Medicine
François Bochud
For his outstanding commitment to redefining and constantly improving the teaching of physics, as well as his availability to students

Special Award for Outstanding Dedication in Practical Teaching
Marie-Laure Vetterli
For her outstanding supervision of the Master of Science in Advanced Nursing Practice (MScIPS), which guaranteed exceptional training for the inaugural cohort of the specialised clinical nurses (IPS)

Young Researcher in Basic Sciences Award
Florian Roisné-Hamelin
For successfully purifying a novel bacterial DNA immunity system, reconstituting its biochemical activity, and determined its structure, using cryo-electron microscopy, in two key states (resting and DNA cutting)

Young Researcher in Clinical Sciences Award
Lilit Abrahamyan
For her work towards understanding the relationship between psychosis and urban milieu using an experience-based approach

Jürg Tschopp Basic Life Sciences Award
Giovanni Ciriello
For his discoveries on the combinations of genetic and epigenetic mutations that appear and are selected during the evolution of cancer, that shed light on the mechanisms linked to the appearance and maintenance of cancer cells

Lifetime Achievement Award
Paul Franken
For his work on the role of sleep-wake states in driving clock gene expression and on systems genetics approaches to dissect the molecular pathways critical in the response to acute sleep loss

Lifetime Achievement Award
Chin Bin Eap
For his contribution to the progress of the concepts of pharmacogenetics and their application to the clinic, that made it possible to implement solid strategies for the pharmacological treatment of psychiatric patients

Communication Award
Antje Horsch & Team
For their creation of an immersive travelling exhibition to stimulate public dialogue and break taboos on perinatal mental health

Equality Award
Association M.E.T.I.S
In recognition of their project “breaking the silence” that aims to achieve equality in health care access for people suffering from deafness or hearing loss

La soirée d'été 2024 en images >> découvrir la galerie photos



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