
We conduct cutting-edge research about behavior and decisions of individuals and groups in organizations. We are proud to nurture a multidisciplinary environment with members coming from various backgrounds such as business administration, economics or psychology, collaborations within our Faculty of Business and Economics, the Faculty of Biology and Medicine, the University of Lausanne, and universities elsewhere.  


Our diverse backgrounds and interests are reflected in the diversity of methods we use, including but not limited to the use of computer-based experiments, field experiments, virtual reality, social sensing, field data and simulations. Members have access to a pool of participants and to top-of-the-class research facilities.


We support each other in a positive working and collaborative environment. Our department organizes a weekly brownbag on Thursday in which members and guests present their research over lunch and a weekly coffee break that serves as an informal moment for exchanging ideas, celebrating achievements and networking.


Don’t hesitate to check the web page of our research facilities and the web pages of our members to learn more about us.

Internef - CH-1015 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 692 33 62
Fax +41 21 692 33 05
Association of MBAs (AMBA)EFMD EQUIS AccreditedQuantitative Techniques for Economics & Management (QTEM)Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME)