Education & Training Observatory

The Education & Training Observatory (OBSEF) contributes to the development of scientific knowledge on education and training. It offers its skills to society and supports reflection by the various actors involved in education and training (associations, authorities, administrations, training and research institutions, foundations, etc.)

It brings together researchers from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (sociology, psychology, social psychology and sports sciences, etc.) and so constitutes a place for interdisciplinary dialogue. It promotes research collaborations, knowledge transfer and action in the field.

OBSEF researchers use various quantitative and qualitative methods, ranging from secondary statistical analyses to ethnographic observations, path analysis, interviews, focus groups, analyses of interactions, visual and documentary analyses, etc. They offer methodological expertise in quantitative, qualitative and mixed method approaches.

Our goals:

  • Conducting research on behalf of or with funding from public and private bodies;
  • Designing new interdisciplinary research projects;
  • Sharing researchers’ networks;
  • Offering methodological expertise in quantitative, qualitative and mixed method approaches

Our mission:

  • Provide a place where researchers, teachers, doctoral students and experts who study education and training can meet, exchange information and ideas, and learn;
  • Foster, in the longer term, collaboration and partnership with other cantonal, regional, national and international institutions in the field of research in education and training;
  • Contribute to public debate by disseminating and promoting research carried out in the field of education and training, through publications and events.

