Conferences, Seminars and Meetings
- Communication of Andrea Pilotti at the 'Forum Horizon 2020', 'Le Parlement suisse: un acteur désormais incontournable du système politique', 28 January 2020, Campus Biotech, Geneva.
- Communication of Cecilia Biancalana and Oscar Mazzoleni at the Conference of the Swiss Political Science Association, 'Unifying and multiplying the people: The strategy of ambiguity in national-populist discourse within a cross-border area', 3-4 February 2020, University of Lucerne.
- Communication of Andrea Pilotti at the Seminar 'Une histoire de la Suisse par le passage à l’urne (1877-1959)' (Master, Faculté des Lettres), 'Histoire du Parlement et des réformes parlementaires en Suisse', 10 March 2020, University of Lausanne.
- Participation of Andrea Pilotti at the Roundtable 'Quelles décisions politiques pour les communes?' organized by COSPOL (Comité Science Politique Lausanne), 12 March 2020, University of Lausanne.
- Online Communication of Andrea Pilotti at the Seminar 'Introduction à la science politique' (Bachelor, Faculté SSP), 'Le Parlement suisse entre système de milice et professionnalisation', 7 May 2020, University of Lausanne.
- Online Communication of Andrea Pilotti at the Course 'Elements de sciences sociales' (Bachelor, Faculté GSE), 'Le Parlement suisse: un "miroir" fidèle de la société?', 22 May 2020, University of Lausanne.
- Panel Chair of Cecilia Biancalana at the online ECPR General Conference, panel 'State borders, populism and nationalism', 24-28 August 2020.
- Cecilia Biancalana discussant at the online ECPR General Conference, panel 'Illiberal trend across European democracies', 24-28 August 2020.
- Online Communication of Cecilia Biancalana and Oscar Mazzoleni at the ECPR General Conference, 'Unifying and multiplying the people: The strategy of ambiguity in national-populist discourse within a cross-border area', 24-28 August 2020.
- Communication of Oscar Mazzoleni and Andrea Pilotti at the Conference-Debate 'Lo stato di salute della democrazia svizzera' organized by the Association 'La gioventù dibatte', 17 September 2020, Auditorium BancaStato, Bellinzona
- Communication of Andrea Pilotti at the Course 'Les acteurs politico-administratifs face au changement' (Master PMP, IDHEAP), 'Le Parlement suisse et ses membres: de « caisse enregistreuse » à acteur incontournable du système politique suisse', 30 September 2020, University of Lausanne.
- Communication of Cecilia Biancalana, 'Dai movimenti sociali all’istituzionalizzazione: il Movimento 5 stelle e il caso Tav', Robert Elgie – Brown Bag Seminars, 14 October 2020, Università della Sapienza, Rome.
- Online Communication of Cecilia Biancalana and Oscar Mazzoleni, Political Sociology Research Network 32 European Sociological Association Conference, 'National-populists’ strategies of ambiguity. Addressing party discourses in cross-border and multi-scalar arenas', 29-31 October 2020.
- Online Communication of Andrea Pilotti, Baptiste Antoniazza, Roberto Di Capua and Karim Lasseb at the International Workshop, 'Working Class Politics in the 21st Century', 'From class representativeness to class gap: the social transformation of the left political elites in Switzerland (1910-2016)', 5-6 November 2020.
- Communication of Oscar Mazzoleni at the International Workshop 'Global populism and the post-representative politics. Is democracy unsustainable?', 'Social justice against universal values? Addressing right-wing populism in a cross-continental perspective', 21 January 2019, LUISS University, Rome.
- Participation of Andrea Pilotti at the Roundtable 'Enjeux et expériences avec le financement OA du FNS – Expériences des chercheurs SHS' during the half-day 'Mesures du FNS pour le développement de l’OA dans les sciences humaines et sociales: instruments, enjeux et partage d’expériences', 29 January 2019, University of Lausanne
- Communication of Roberto Di Capua at the Course-Seminar 'Sociologie des élites' (Master, Faculté SSP), 'L’analyse statistique des données prosopographiques en sociologie de élites', 18 February 2019, University of Lausanne.
- Communication of Roberto Di Capua and Felix Bühlmann at the meeting 'Open Science HES-SO', 'La base de données des élites suisses au 20ème siècle: défis et chances de l’open data', 20 March 2019, BCV Concert Hall, Lausanne.
- Communication of Andrea Pilotti at the 'Entretiens sur le Parlement et la politique', 'L’Assemblée fédérale et le passage inachevé du dignitaire au politicien professionnel', 27 March 2019, Salle des pas perdus, Federal Palace, Bern
- Participation of Cecilia Biancalana at the Forum for the Future of Democracy 'Democrazia Minima', 3 April 2019, Fondazione Feltrinelli, Milan.
- Organisation of the international workshop 'Local Political Elites - Profiles and Careers', 5-6 April 2019, University of Lausanne.
- Communication of Roberto Di Capua at the International Workshop 'Local Political Elites - Profiles and Careers', 'Les conseillers communaux des grandes villes suisses : système ‘de milice’ ou système sélectif ?', 5-6 APril 2019, University of Lausanne.
- Communication of Karim Lasseb at the International Workshop 'Local Political Elites - Profiles and Careers', 'La professionnalisation des municipalités sous l’angle de la rémunération : le cas de Lausanne (1882-2019)', 5-6 April 2019, University of Lausanne.
- Communication of Andrea Pilotti and Roberto Di Capua at the Seminar 'Politiques de régulation: stratégies de recherche et méthodes mixtes' (Bachelor, Faculté SSP), 'Des archives à la création d’une base de données: un regard sur les parlementaires suisses et les élus locaux de 4 villes suisses', 29 April 2019, University of Lausanne.
- Communication of Oscar Mazzoleni at the Lectures Serie of the Network 'Territoires-Politiques-Sociétés', 'Les espaces-frontière et les discours des droites populistes. Vers la construction de nouveaux murs au sein de l’espace européen ?', 8 May 2019, University of Lausanne.
- Communication of Andrea Pilotti at the Seminar 'Introduction à la science politique' (Bachelor, Faculté SSP), 'Le Parlement suisse entre système de milice et professionnalisation', 9 May 2019, University of Lausanne.
- Communication of Andrea Pilotti at the Course 'Elements de sciences sociales' (Bachelor, Faculté GSE), 'Le Parlement suisse: un "miroir" fidèle de la société?', 14 May 2019, University of Lausanne.
- Organisation of the Summer School 'Participation politique et démocratie', 20-24 May 2019, University of Lausanne.
- Communication of Cecilia Biancalana at the Summer School 'Participation politique et démocratie', 'Le populisme comme renforcement de la participation citoyenne ?', 22 May 2019, University of Lausanne.
- Communication of Oscar Mazzoleni at the Summer School 'Participation politique et démocratie', 'La montée des populismes: quel défi pour la démocratie?', 22 May 2019, University of Lausanne.
- Communication of Grégoire Yerly at the Summer School 'Participation politique et démocratie', 'Quel est le rôle des partis politiques populistes dans la (ré)interprétation des espaces-frontières?', 22 May 2019, University of Lausanne.
- Communication of Andrea Pilotti at the Summer School 'Participation politique et démocratie', 'Qui nous représente et gouverne? Les élites politiques entre démocratisation et professionnalisation: le cas des parlementaires suisses', 23 May 2019, University of Lausanne.
- Communication of Roberto Di Capua at the Summer School 'Participation politique et démocratie', 'La représentativité spatiale des élus locaux de Zurich et Lausanne (1945-2016)', 23 May 2019, University of Lausanne.
- Communication of Karim Lasseb at the Summer School 'Participation politique et démocratie', 'La professionnalisation des municipalités sous l’angle de la rémunération : le cas de Lausanne (1882-2019)', 24 May 2019, University of Lausanne.
- Participation of Cecilia Biancalana at the Roundtable 'Le parole sostenibili, come costituire un’ecologia del linguaggio politico', Annual Meeting 'Parole Ostili', 1st June 2019, Trieste.
- Communication of Roberto Di Capua at the Journées suisses d'histoire, 'The Spatial and Social Identity of the Local Political Elites of Zurich and Lausanne (1946-2016): Using GIS and Prosopography in Local Elite Studies', 6 June 2019, University of Zurich.
- Communication of Oscar Mazzoleni at the International Conference of the Europeanists, 'Challeging constitutional order within within a Federal State. The Case of the Lega of Ticinesi in Switzerland', 23-29 June 2019, Madrid.
- Communication of Gilles Ivaldi and Oscar Mazzoleni at the International Conference of the Europeanists, 'We Want our Country Back’. Exploring the demand-side of Economic Populist Sovereignism (EPS) in France and Switzerland', 23-29 June 2019, Madrid.
- Participation of Andrea Pilotti at the Workshop of Labor SwissLux Group, 11-12 July 2019, University of Luxembourg and University of Lorraine.
- Participation of Grégoire Yerly at the ECPR Summer School, 26 July-9 August 2019, Central European University, Budapest.
- Panel Chair of Cecilia Biancalana at the ESA Conference, panel 'Populism, Institutions and Counter-reactions', 20-24 August 2019, Manchester.
- Communication of Grégoire Yerly at the ESA Conference, 'CROSS-POP : The Right-Wing Populist Discourse in European Cross-Border Areas - A Comparison between Switzerland and Luxembourg', 20-24 August 2019, Manchester.
- Communication of Carlo Ruzza and Oscar Mazzoleni at the ESA Conference, 'Rethinking Institutionalisation of Protest Parties: Toward a Sociological Framework', 20-24 August 2019, Manchester.
- Communication of Andrea Pilotti and Roberto Di Capua at the Conference of the French Sociological Association, 'Elites politiques locales et élites politiques nationales: ressemblance ou dissemblance du profil social? Le cas du ‘système de milice’ suisse (1957-2016)', 27-30 August 2019, University of Aix-en-Provence.
- Section co-chair of Oscar Mazzoleni at the ECPR General Conference, 'Political Sociology: Contemporary Challenges to State-Society Relations', 4-7 September 2019, University of Wroclaw.
- Communication of Andrea Pilotti at the ECPR General Conference, 'The Parliamentary Professionalization in Switzerland and its Impact on the Professional Profile of Swiss MPs', 4-7 September 2019, University of Wroclaw.
- Communication of Cecilia Biancalana and Laurent Bernhard at the ECPR General Conference, 'How to Cope with Successful Right-Wing Populist Parties? The Case of Switzerland', 4-7 September 2019, University of Wroclaw.
- Communication of Manuel Anselmi, Oscar Mazzoleni and Andrea Pilotti at the ECPR General Conference, 'Populists as New Elites? A Comparison between Italy and Switzerland', 4-7 September 2019, University of Wroclaw.
- Communication of Cecilia Biancalana and Davide Vittori at the ECPR General Conference, 'New Parties, ICTs and Members’ Empowerment: A Comparison between Movimento 5 Stelle and Podemos', 4-7 September 2019, University of Wroclaw.
- Communication of Gilles Ivaldi and Oscar Mazzoleni at the ECPR General Conference, 'Exploring Links between Economic Populism and National Sovereignty Claims in Populist Radical Right Mobilisation in France and Switzerland', 4-7 September 2019, University of Wroclaw.
- Communication of Gerrit Voerman and Oscar Mazzoleni at the ECPR General Conference, 'Dutch and Swiss Party Affiliations: An Historical-Comparative Perspective', 4-7 September 2019, University of Wroclaw.
- Communication of Oscar Mazzoleni at the 'Workshop on Populism and Law', 'In the name of Sovereignty. Populists Against Judicial Power', 13 September 2019, University Unitelma-Sapienza, Rome.
- Communication of Karim Lasseb at the Conference 'La rémunération du travail politique en Europe', 'La rémunération du travail politique en Suisse. Entre fonctions accessoires et mandats à plein temps', 19 September 2019, Palais du Luxembourg, Paris.
- Participation of Andrea Pilotti at the Roundtable 'Da 50 anni in cammino. Progressi e sfide aperte per le donne ticinesi', 21 September 2019, Cinema Lux, Massagno.
- Communication of Oscar Mazzoleni at the Course 'Comparative Politics' (Master), 'Still Consensual? Swiss Politics between Stability and Change', 30 September 2019, University of Valencia.
- Communication of Roberto Di Capua at the Seminar 'Le travail politique du local au national' (Bachelor, Faculté SSP), 'La vie politique lausannoise et ses élus (1945-2016)', 1st October 2019, University of Lausanne.
- Communication of Oscar Mazzoleni at the 'Staff Seminar', 'The approach on populism by Cas Mudde. Advantages and Limits', 1st October 2019, Department of Political Science, University of Valencia.
- Communication of Andrea Pilotti at the Course 'Les acteurs politico-administratifs face au changement' (Master PMP, IDHEAP), 'Le Parlement suisse et ses membres: de « caisse enregistreuse » à acteur incontournable du système politique suisse', 2 October 2019, University of Lausanne.
- Co-organisation (with Antoine Chollet, IEP-UniL) of the Debate Evening 'Dans les coulisses du documentaire Ville cherche héros', with the directors Robin Erard and Samuel Chalard, 16 October 2019, University of Lausanne.
- Book Launch of Andrea Pilotti and Oscar Mazzoleni's book (eds.) 'Le système de milice et la professionnalisation politique en Suisse', 17 October 2019, Librairie Basta, Lausanne.
- Book Launch of Andrea Pilotti and Oscar Mazzoleni's book (eds.) 'Le système de milice et la professionnalisation politique en Suisse' and communication of Andrea Pilotti at the Roundtable post-elections 2019, 24 October 2019, University of Lausanne.
- Communication of Oscar Mazzoleni, 'Right-Wing Populist Parties and Border Issues. Toward a Global Perspective', 12 November 2019, University of Florida, Miami.
- Communication of Oscar Mazzoleni, 'Right-Wing Populism and Borders: Global Perspective', 14 November 2019, University of San Diego.
- Communication of Cecilia Biancalana at the Seminar 'Politica in Italia/Italian Politics', 'Dai movimenti sociali all’istituzionalizzazione: il Movimento 5 stelle e il caso TAV', 16 November 2019, John Hopkins University, Bologna.
- Communication of Oscar Mazzoleni at the 'Janey Program in Latin American Studies', 'Right-Wing Populism and Borders: Global Perspective', 19 November 2019, New School of Social Research, New York.
- Book Launch of Andrea Pilotti and Oscar Mazzoleni's book (eds.) 'Le système de milice et la professionnalisation politique en Suisse', 27 November 2019, Parliamentary Library, Bern.
- Communication of Karim Lasseb and Andrea Pilotti at the Conference of the Swiss Political Science Association, 'La professionnalisation de l’exécutif de la ville de Lausanne sous l’angle de la rémunération', 5-6 February 2018, University of Geneva.
- Communication of Roberto Di Capua at the Conference of the Swiss Political Science Association, 'Les miliciens des villes suisses : élite notabiliaire ou diversifiée? Comparaison diachronique du profil sociologique des conseillers communaux de Lausanne et Lugano (1945-2016)', 5-6 February 2018, University of Geneva.
- Communication of Andrea Pilotti, Karim Lasseb and Roberto Di Capua at the Seminar 'Méthodes quantitatives et histoire' of the Doctoral Programm in Contemporary History of the CUSO, 'Données d’archives et études des élites politiques urbaines', 12 March 2018, University of Lausanne.
- Communication of Carlo Ruzza and Oscar Mazzoleni 'Regionalist parties and claim for national interest: is this really a contradiction?', International Workshop 'Populism and Ethno-Territorial Politics in Western and Eastern Europe', 12-13 April 2018, University of Salzburg.
- Communication of Oscar Mazzoleni and Andrea Pilotti at the Public Evening 'Uno sguardo scientifico sulla politica ticinese', 3 May 2018, Centro Spazio Aperto, Bellinzona - 1st Part Evening
& 2nd Part Evening
- Communication of Andrea Pilotti at the Seminar 'Introduction à la science politique' (Bachelor, Faculté SSP), 'Le Parlement suisse entre système de milice et professionnalisation', 8 May 2018, University of Lausanne.
- Communication of Oscar Mazzoleni 'Regionalist Parties within a Federal State. The Case of the Lega of Ticinesi in Switzerland', Workshop 'Reformes Constitucionals i minorites nationals', 11-12 May 2018, University of Valencia.
- Communication of Gilles Ivaldi and Oscar Mazzoleni 'The Radical Right’s Politics of Economic Sovereignism and Producerism: A comparison between the French Front National (FN) and the Swiss People’s party (SVP)', 4th Populism Conference, 21-22 May 2018, University of Prague.
- Communication of Oscar Mazzoleni at the Summer School 'Démocratie et participation', 'Les militants des partis politiques dans les démocraties occidentales. Enjeux théoriques et empiriques', 1st June 2018, Université libre de Bruxelles.
- Participation of Andrea Pilotti at the International Workshop 'Opposition Parties in Europe', 14-15 June 2018, University of Lisbon.
- Participation of Andrea Pilotti at the Workshop 'Frontières/Grenzen-Frontaliers/Grenzgänger – Réseau Suisse et Luxembourg', 27 June 2018, University of Basel.
- Communication of Roberto Di Capua, Andrea Pilotti, André Mach and Karim Lasseb at the ECPR General Conference, 'Political Careers in Switzerland: Questioning the Unidirectional Model', 22-25 August 2018, University of Hamburg.
- Communication of Karim Lasseb and Andrea Pilotti at the Conference of the Italian Society of Political Science, 'La professionalizzazione del governo locale in termini di remunerazione : il caso svizzero di Losanna', 6-8 September 2018, University of Turin.
- Communication of Andrea Pilotti, Roberto Di Capua, André Mach and Karim Lasseb at the Conference of the Italian Society of Political Science, 'Political Careers in Switzerland: Questioning the Unidirectional Model', 6-8 September 2018, University of Turin.
- Communication of Roberto Di Capua at the Conference of the Italian Society of Political Science, 'Un’analisi comparata della rappresentatività dell’élite politica locale : il sistema di milizia nei legislativi comunali svizzeri', 6-8 September 2018, University of Turin.
- Communication of Oscar Mazzoleni at the Summer School 'Rethinking the Culture of Tolerance Groups, Conflicts, and Reconciliation', 'Against liberal constitutionalism, tolerance and diversity: the current national-populist challenge', 17-23 September 2018, University of Milan-Bicocca.
- Communication of Gilles Ivaldi and Oscar Mazzoleni 'Economic Populism and Producerism. European Right-wing Populist Parties in a Transatlantic Perspective', Seminar 'El Populismo. Teoría y Experiencias contemporáneas', 27-29 September 2018, University of Guadalajara.
- Communication of Andrea Pilotti at the Course 'Les acteurs politico-administratifs face au changement' (Master PMP, IDHEAP), 'Le Parlement suisse et ses membres: de « caisse enregistreuse » à acteur incontournable du système politique suisse', 3 October 2018, University of Lausanne.
- Organisation of the Lectures Serie 'Peuple, Pouvoir, Représentation', Fall 2018, University of Lausanne.
- Communication of Oscar Mazzoleni and Andrea Pilotti at the Evening '20 ans OVPR: ses origines, ses axes de recherche actuels et son agenda futur', 23 October 2018, University of Lausanne
- Communication of Oscar Mazzoleni and Gerrit Voerman 'Judicial Populism. Western European Right-wing Populist Parties against the autonomy of judicial power', Mid-Term Conference, European Sociological Association, 5-7 November 2018, University of Prague.
- Communication of Carlo Ruzza and Oscar Mazzoleni 'Populist parties between protest, institutions and interest groups. A comparison between the Lega and the Lega dei Ticinesi', Mid-Term Conference, European Sociological Association, 5-7 November 2018, University of Prague.
- Organisation (with Karim Lasseb) and communication of Roberto Di Capua (discussant) of the Lecture 'Ce que les riches pensent des pauvres' with Bruno Cousin and Jules Naudet, 13 November 2018, University of Lausanne.
- Communication of Roberto Di Capua at the Seminar 'Méthodes quantitatives et histoire' of the Doctoral Programm in Contemporary History of the CUSO, 'Penser la représentativité spatiale : un dispositif de recherche pour réaliser la sociogéographie de l’élite politique urbaine', 15-16 November 2018, University of Lausanne.
- Book Launch of Andrea Pilotti's coedited volume 'Macht und Repräsentativität von Schweizer Parlamenten nach 1848/Pouvoir et représentativité des parlements en Suisse après 1848' and Roundtable 'La représentation politique et des intérêts économiques au Parlement suisse', Lectures Serie 'Peuple, Pouvoir, Représentation', 27 November 2018, University of Lausanne.
- Co-organisation and communications of Oscar Mazzoleni and Andrea Pilotti at the Evening for the Book Launch 'Milizia e professionismo nella politica svizzera', 28 November 2018, Auditorium di Banca Stato, Bellinzona.
- Communication of Maxime Bottel at the Conference of the Swiss Political Science Association, 'Regionalist Party Success and State Trajectories within the Periphery. The case of Union Valdôtaine in Aosta Valley (1945-2013)', 11-12 January 2017, University of St. Gallen.
- Organisation of the Lectures Serie 'Les élus entre le local et le national', Spring 2017, University of Lausanne
- Book Launch of Andrea Pilotti's book 'Entre démocratisation et professionnalisation: le Parlement suisse et ses membres de 1910 à 2016', Lectures Serie 'Les élus entre le local et le national', 22 February 2017, University of Lausanne
- Communication of Andrea Pilotti at the Seminar 'Une histoire de la Suisse par le passage à l’urne (1877-1959)' (Master, Faculté des Lettres), 'Histoire du Parlement et des réformes parlementaires en Suisse', 7 March 2017, University of Lausanne.
- Communication of Andrea Pilotti at the Seminar 'Politique suisse' (Bachelor, Faculté SSP), 'Parlement de milice et groupes d’intérêt (1970-2010): professionnalisation et diversification des liens d’intérêt?', 23 March 2017, University of Lausanne.
- Communication of Andrea Pilotti at the Seminar 'Politiques de régulation: stratégies de recherche et méthodes mixtes' (Bachelor, Faculté SSP), 'Des archives à la création d’une base de données: un regard sur les parlementaires suisses', 10 April 2017, University of Lausanne.
- Communication of Oscar Mazzoleni and Carlo Ruzza at the EUSA Conference, 'How do parties combine regionalist and nationalist Euroscepticism? The cases of the Italian Lega Nord and the Swiss Lega dei Ticinesi', 4-6 May 2017, Miami.
- Communication of Andrea Pilotti at the Course 'Elements de sciences sociales' (Bachelor, Faculté GSE), 'Le Parlement suisse: un "miroir" fidèle de la société?', 8 May 2017, University of Lausanne.
- Book Launch of Oscar Mazzoleni's book 'Les défis du régionalisme politique en Suisse. Le Tessin et ses relations avec Berne', Lectures Serie 'Les élus entre le local et le national', 10 May 2017, University of Lausanne
- Participation of Andrea Pilotti at the Debate 'Le métier de parlementaire suisse' organised by the Association Mosaïque-Unil, with Samuel Bendahan (Member of the Cantonal Parliament Vaud, SP), Fathi Derder (National Councillor, PLR) and Thomas Birbaum (Substitute Member of the Cantonal Parliament Valais, PLR), 16 May 2017, University of Lausanne
- Communication of Andrea Pilotti, Roberto Di Capua and Karim Lasseb at the Seminar 'Méthodes quantitatives et histoire' of the Doctoral Programm in Contemporary History of the CUSO, 'L’étude prosopographique des élites politiques urbaines en Suisse (1946-2016)', 22 May 2017, University of Lausanne.
- Communication of Oscar Mazzoleni at the Summer School on Democratic Participation, 'Qui milite au sein des partis politiques?', 23-27 May 2017, Université Laval, Québec City.
- Communication of Andrea Pilotti at the Seminar 'Introduction à la science politique' (Bachelor, Faculté SSP), 'Le Parlement suisse entre système de milice et professionnalisation', 1st June 2017, University of Lausanne.
- Participation of Roberto Di Capua and Karim Lasseb at the 5th PhD Summer School 'The Renaissance of Local Government. European Municipalities in Transition', 12-17 June 2017, University of Florence.
- Book Launch of Andrea Pilotti's book 'Entre démocratisation et professionnalisation: le Parlement suisse et ses membres de 1910 à 2016', Parliamentary Library, 13 June 2017, Bern.
- Co-organisation with Andreas Behr, Martin Graf and Ruth Lüthi (Parliamentary Services) and communication of Andrea Pilotti at the Workshop 'Schweizer Parlamentarismus/Le parlementarisme suisse', 1-2 September 2017, Federal Palace, Bern.
- Organisation of the panel and communication of Gilles Ivaldi and Oscar Mazzoleni at the ECPR General Conference, 'The Populist Radical Right and the European Welfare State: Current Challenges and Perspectives', 6-9 September 2017, Oslo.
- Organisation of the Lectures Serie 'Peuple, Region, Elites', Fall 2017, University of Lausanne
- Communication of Andrea Pilotti and Oscar Mazzoleni at the Interdisciplinar Conference 'Les travailleurs frontaliers en Suisse et au Luxembourg : Emploi – Quotidien – Perceptions', 'La perception citoyenne des frontaliers dans le canton du Tessin', 24 October 2017, University of Luxembourg.
- Participation of Andrea Pilotti, Roberto Di Capua and André Mach at the 5th National Conference on Federalism, 'Les carrières politiques naissent-elles encore dans les communes?', 26 October 2017, Montreux.
- Communication of Andrea Pilotti at the Course-Seminar 'Elites et pouvoirs. Transformations des villes et nouvelles élites urbaines en Suisse' (Master, Faculté SSP), 'Les élites politiques urbaines en Suisse (1945-2016)', 2 November 2017, University of Lausanne.
- Organisation of Oscar Mazzoleni and Andrea Pilotti and communication of Oscar Mazzoleni at the International Workshop 'Citizens, Parties and Leaders in European Uncertainty Claims for the National Sovereignty', 10-11 November 2017, University of Lausanne.
- Communication of Oscar Mazzoleni at the Seminar 'Campaign and elections', 'Conceptualizing populism', 8 May 2016, Department of Political Science, University of Salzburg (Prof. Reinhard Heinisch).
- Communication of Andrea Pilotti at the Seminar 'Introduction à la science politique' (Bachelor, Faculté SSP), 'Le Parlement suisse entre système de milice et professionnalisation', 9 May 2016, University of Lausanne.
- Communication of Oscar Mazzoleni, 'Populism and policy impact in contemporary European democracies', Doctoral Seminar of the Department of Political Science, 9 May 2016, University of Salzburg.
- Communication of Andrea Pilotti at the Course 'Elements de sciences sociales' (Bachelor, Faculté GSE), 'Le Parlement suisse: un "miroir" fidèle de la société?', 10 May 2016, University of Lausanne.
- Communication of Carolina Rossini for the Master Class OVPR, 'L'homogénéisation symbolique des campagnes électorales', 17 May 2016, University of Lausanne.
- Lecture of Frédéric Sawicki (Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), 'Les partis politiques comme entreprises culturelles', 17 May 2016, University of Lausanne.
- Communication of Oscar Mazzoleni at the Conference on the European Liberal Parties, 'Le PLR suisse', 19-20 May 2016, Université libre de Bruxelles.
- Communication of Andrea Pilotti at the General Assembly of CORSI's members, 'Il voto del 14 giugno 2015 sulla LRTV e la RSI nelle opinioni dei cittadini della Svizzera italiana', 20 May 2016, Lugano.
- Participation of Oscar Mazzoleni at the General Assembly of the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences, Poster presentation 'Les activités de recherches de l'Ovpr', 3 June 2016, Università della Svizzera italiana, Lugano.
- Communication of Maxime Bottel at the World Congress of Political Science, 'How does career ambition profile of the regional elite matter? The case of the Regional Councillors in the Aosta Valley (1949 – 2013)', 23-28 July 2016, University of Poznan.
- Communication of Andrea Pilotti, Jan Rosset and Yannis Papadopoulos at the ECPR General Conference, 'Parliamentary Opposition in a Consensus and Non-Parliamentary Democracy: the Case of Switzerland', 7-10 September 2016, University of Prague.
- Communication of Oscar Mazzoleni and Gerrit Voerman at the ECPR General Conference, 'Dutch and Swiss Party Affiliations. An historical-comparative Perspective', 7-10 septembre 2016, University of Prague.
- Organisation and communications of Oscar Mazzoleni and Maxime Bottel at the International Workshop 'Populism, Regionalism and Nationalism in Western European Party Mobilisation. The Territorial Dimension', 30 September-1st October 2016, University of Lausanne.
- Organisation of the Lectures Serie 'Acteurs politiques et territoires', Fall 2016, University of Lausanne
- Communication of Oscar Mazzoleni, 'I partiti regionalisti. Una comparazione europea', Doctoral Seminar of Political Science, 21 November 2016, University of Turin.
- Communication of Oscar Mazzoleni at the Working Seminar 'Coding & Analyzing party platforms of European populist and radical right-wing parties', 'The case of the SVP', 19-21 January 2015, Nijmegen.
- Co-organisation and communication at the 6th CoSPoF Conference, Section consacrée au pouvoir régional: acteurs et institutions - Working Group: Federalism & Territorial Politics, 5-7 February 2015, University of Lausanne.
- Communication of Oscar Mazzoleni and Sean Müller at the 6th CoSPoF Conference, 'Enjeux politiques régionaux en Suisse. Une comparaison entre les cantons de Genève, Tessin, Bâle', 5-7 February 2015, University of Lausanne.
- Communication of Maxime Bottel, Oscar Mazzoleni and Günther Pallaver at the 6th CoSPoF Conference, 'How does regional government participation influence strategies of regionalist parties ? A comparison among the UV, the SVP and the LEGA', 5-7 February 2015, University of Lausanne.
- Communication of Oscar Mazzoleni and Gerrit Voerman, 'Memberless parties? A comparison among the Freedom party (NL) and the Lega dei Ticinesi (CH)', ECPR Joint Session, 29 March - 3 April 2015, University of Warsaw.
- Lecture of Alfio Mastropaolo (University of Turin), 'Le futur de la démocratie et les partis politiques', 16 April 2015, University of Lausanne.
- Communication of Andrea Pilotti and Alix Heiniger at the Seminar 'Politiques de régulation: stratégies de recherche et méthodes mixtes' (Bachelor, Faculté SSP), 'Les bases de données: un outil pour la recherche qualitative et quantitative', 27 April 2015, University of Lausanne.
- Communication of Andrea Pilotti at the Seminar 'Introduction à la sociologie politique' (Bachelor, Faculté SSP), 'Le Parlement suisse entre système de milice et professionnalisation', 19 May2015, University of Lausanne.
- Communication of Oscar Mazzoleni 'Les relations transfrontalières en Europe à l'épreuve de la contestation. Enjeux conceptuels et théoriques', Workshop 'Des territoires frontaliers, théâtres de conflits', 4-5 June 2015, University of Franche-Comté, Besançon.
- Communication of Oscar Mazzoleni and Carlo Ruzza at the Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA), 'Protest parties and electoral success: how does interest groups matter?', 25-28 August 2015, University of Prague.
- Communication of Oscar Mazzoleni 'Mobilité et espaces-frontaliers en Europe : Autour de quelques enjeux socio-politiques', International Seminar 'De la frontière à l’interface ? Flux, mobilités et migrations transfrontalières”, 1st October 2015, University of Franche-Comté, Besançon.
- Communication of Andrea Pilotti and Julie Falcon 'A century of democratisation, professionalisation and social reproduction among the Swiss MPs', Workshop of the Swiss Elite Observatory (OBELIS), 8 October 2015, University of Lausanne.
- Communication of Andrea Pilotti at the Seminar 'Elites et pouvoir. Elites politiques suisses entre continuité et renouvellement' (Master, Faculté SSP), 'Le Parlement suisse et ses membres entre démocratisation et professionnalisation', 27 November 2015, University of Lausanne.
- Organisation of the panel 'Partis politiques et mobilisations électorales', Doctoral Programm in Political Science of the CUSO, 27-28 November 2015, Morges.
- Communication of Oscar Mazzoleni, 'I partiti ‘populisti’ e la questione dell’organizzazione. Una comparazione europea', Doctoral Seminar of Political Science, 14 December 2015, University of Turin.
- Co-organisation and communications of Oscar Mazzoleni and Andrea Pilotti at the Public Colloquium 'Quali aggregazioni comunali per quale equilibrio regionale in Ticino?', 24 January 2014, Bellinzona.
- Co-organisation and communications of Oscar Mazzoleni and Andrea Pilotti at the Conference of the Swiss Political Science Association, Working Group: Federalism & Territorial Politics, 30-31 January 2014, University of Bern.
- Communication of Andrea Pilotti at the Seminar 'Une histoire de la Suisse par le passage à l’urne (1877-1959)' (Master, Faculté des Lettres), 'Histoire du Parlement et des réformes parlementaires en Suisse', 18 February 2014, University of Lausanne.
- Organisation of the Lunch-Seminars 'Le local et le régional' and communications of Oscar Mazzoleni, Maxime Bottel, Carolina Rossini and Andrea Pilotti, Spring 2014, University of Lausanne.
- Communication of Maxime Bottel at the workshop doc2, 'Succès récurrents et transformations : émergence, consolidation et crise d’un parti régionaliste dominant à l’échelle sousnationale dans un état unitaire. Le cas de l’Union valdôtaine', 19 May 2014, Lausanne.
- Communication of Andrea Pilotti at the Seminar 'Introduction à la sociologie politique' (Bachelor, Faculté SSP), 'Le Parlement suisse entre système de milice et professionnalisation', 21 May 2014, University of Lausanne.
- Communication of Oscar Mazzoleni at the Seminar 'Aree transfrontaliere: opportunità e problemi a partire dal caso svizzero', 'Le frontiere fra gli stati e le regioni transfrontaliere: il caso italo-svizzero', 29 May 2014, Università dell’Insubria, Varese.
- Communication of Andrea Pilotti, Steven Eichenberger, André Mach and Frédéric Varone at the Conference of the Swiss Society for Economic and Social History, 'Parlement de milice et groupes d’intérêt (1970-2010): de l’imbrication à la professionnalisation?', 6 June 2014, University of Bern.
- Communication of Oscar Mazzoleni and Sean Müller (University of Bern) at the IPSA Conference, 'Enjeux politiques régionaux en Suisse. Une comparaison entre les cantons de Genève, Tessin et Bâle-Ville', 19-24 July 2014, University of Montréal.
- Communication of Oscar Mazzoleni and Carolina Rossini at the ECPR General Conference, 'Socio-economic aspects of radical right-wing party programme(s). The case of the Swiss People's Party', 3-6 September 2014, University of Glasgow.
- Communication of Carolina Rossini at the workshop doc2, 'Les partis politiques tessinois dans les années '70 et '80', 28 November 2014, Lausanne.
- Communication of Oscar Mazzoleni and Carlo Ruzza at the EPSRN Conference, 'Ethno-Nationalist Formations between Protest, Institutions and Interest Groups', 28-29 November 2014, University of Copenhagen.
- Co-organisation and communications of Oscar Mazzoleni and Andrea Pilotti in the panel 'Les partis politiques suisses en mutation : constellations locales et dynamiques globales', 3èmes Journées suisses d'histoire, 7-9 February 2013, University of Fribourg.
- Organisation of the Lectures Serie 'Le local et le micro. Un regard interdisciplinaire', Spring 2013, University of Lausanne.
- Co-organisation of the lecture 'La droite et la gauche aujourd'hui', with Olivier Feller (National Councillor, PLR), Géraldine Savary (Councillor of States, SP), and Alexis Roussel (President of the Pirate Party), Oscar Mazzoleni (University of Lausanne), Olivier Meuwly (Cercle démocratique de Lausanne), Lausanne, 11 June 2013. Lecture organized in connection with the publication of the book 'Les partis suisses en mouvement', Slatkine.
- Co-organisation of the lecture 'Quel rôle pour les partis politiques en Suisse?', with Christoph Blocher (former Federal Councillor, National Councillor SVP) and Andreas Gross (National Councillor, SP), Bern. 17 June 2013. Lecture organized in connection with the publication of the book 'Die Parteien in Bewegung', NZZ libro.
- Communication of Andrea Pilotti and Julie Falcon at the Conference of the Swiss Sociological Association, 'Are the Swiss MPs more representative of the Swiss population today than yesterday?', 26-28 June 2013, University of Bern.
- Communication of Zoé Kergomard and Carolina Rossini at the AFSP Conference, 'Les meetings dans la Suisse de l’après-guerre : le cas du Parti socialiste suisse', 9-11 July 2013, Paris.
- Communication of Andrea Pilotti at the ECPR General Conference, 'Parliamentary Opposition in Non-Parliamentary Systems: Continuities and Changes in Switzerland Since 1990s', 4-7 September 2013, University of Bordeaux.
- Communication of Andrea Pilotti at the Seminar 'Méthodes quantitatives et histoire' of the Doctoral Programm in Contemporary History of the CUSO, 'L’apport de la prosopographie dans l’étude des parlementaires suisses (1910-2010)', 23 September 2013, University of Lausanne.
- Co-organization of the working group 'Federalism and Territorial politics', Conference of the Swiss Political Science Association, 2-3 February 2012, University of Lucerne.
- Co-organization of the conférence 'Les partis et le web' (with Crapul, Unil). Communication of Fabienne Greffet (Uni Lorraine), Université de Lausanne, 22 March 2012.
- Communication at the conference 'From the Unity of Italians to the Unity of Italics: the Languages of Italicity around the World', organized by the Center for Italian Studies at the University of Pennsylvania, 15-16 April 2011. Communication: 'Le istituzioni politiche nazionali di fronte alle diversità culturali e linguistiche: il caso della Svizzera italiana dal XX secolo ad oggi'.
- Co-organization and communication in the panel 'New Local Politics: Parties, Mayors and Councillors in Western Europe', co-sponsored by the Italian Politics and Local Politics Specialist Groups of the PSA, 61st Annual Conference of the Political Studies Association (PSA), London, 19-21 April 2011.
- Lunch-seminar about the project 'Le maire et les partis politiques locaux : une comparaison entre Gènês et Lausanne'. Pourquoi s'intéresser à cet objet de recherche ? Malgré les différences – historiques, institutionnelles, partisanes – quelles tendances similiaires peut-on décéler entre ces deux villes ?, 18 May 2011, with Oscar Mazzoleni (IEPI) and Duncan McDonnell (University of Turin, Guest Researcher IEPI).
- Collaboration with the Cantonal Chancellery and the Council of the State of Canton Ticino for the scientific supervision of the 3rd National Conference on Federalism, 26-27 May 2011, Accademia di Architettura, Mendrisio.
- Co-organization and communication in the conference 'Les partis politiques suisses : comment en est-on arrivé là ?', 17 June 2011, University of Lausanne (with the collaboration of the Cercle démocratique de Lausanne).
- Communication in the workshop 'New Right Populist Parties and Their Impact on European Parties and party Systems', Council for European Studies (CES) Conference, Barcelona, 20-22 June 2011.
- Co-organization of the panel 'Political Parties, Resources and Context: Campaigning in Democratic Regimes', ECPR General Conference, Reykjavik, 25-27 August 2011. Communication: 'Candidates' campaign spending in the Swiss national Elections: a comparison among Zurich, Vaud, Ticino'.