Here are some activities organised during the academic year.

Tasting a culinary speciality :
a group of students coming from a same region prepares a culinary speciality which they share with the other tenants.

Movie from abroad :
students propose a movie, presenting a problem or a value which can be then discussed.

Other activities can be proposed.

Dates Events Details
1st week of the academic year Meeting evening for the first time with all students
mid-September organization in the apartments
mid-September Week-end discovery of lakes, mountains and typical dishes
in October-November Movie from abroad
in October-November Tasting culinaries specialities in various culinary cultures
mid-December multicultural Christmas evening
in February Day in the snow -ski -rackets -toboggans -snowboard
in March-April Movie from abroad
in March-April Tasting culinaries specialities in various culinary cultures
in May Evening meal at a restaurant nearby
Rue de Genève 76 - CH-1004 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 625 06 06
Université de LausanneÉcole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)