Selected publications

Diesel, B., Schreiber, M., and van der Meer, J. R., Development of bacteria-based bioassays for arsenic detection in natural waters. (2009) Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 394: 687-693.

Kuppardt, A., Chatzinotas, A., Breuer, U., van der Meer, J. R. and H. Harms. 2009. Optimization of preservation conditions of As(III) bioreporter bacteria. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 82:785-792.

Wackwitz, A., Harms, H., Chatzinotas, A., Breuer, U., Vogne, C. and J. R. van der Meer. 2008. Internal arsenite bioassay calibration using multiple reporter cell lines. Microb. Biotechnol. 1:149-157

Busam, S. McNabb, M., Wackwitz, A., Senevirathna, W., Beggah, S., van der Meer, J. R., Wells, M., Breuer, U. and H. Harms. (2007) Artificial neural network study of whole-cell bacterial biosensor response determined using fluorescence flow cytometry. Anal. Chem. 79:9107-9114

Baumann, B. and J. R. van der Meer. (2007) Analysis of bioavailable arsenic in rice with whole cell living bioreporter bacteria. J. Agric. Food. Chem. 55, 2115-2120

Kohlmeier, S., Mancuso, M., Tecon, R., Harms, H., van der Meer, J. R. and M. Wells. (2007) Bioreporters: gfp versus lux revisited and single-cell response. Biosens. Bioelectr. 22: 1578-1585.

Harms, H., Wells, M. C. and J. R. van der Meer. (2006) Whole-cell living biosensors – are they ready for environmental application? Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 70(3):273-280

Pham Thi Kim Trang, M. Berg, Pham Hung Viet, Nguyen Van Mui, and J. R. van der Meer. (2005) Bacterial bioassay for rapid and accurate analysis of arsenic in highly variable groundwater samples. Environ. Sci. Technol. 39: 7625-7630.

Wells, M., Gösch, M., Rigler, R., Harms, H., Lasser, T., and J. R. van der Meer. (2005) Ultrasensitive reporter protein detection in genetically engineered bacteria. Anal. Chem. 77: 2683-2689.

Wells, M., Gösch, M., Harms, H., and J. R. van der Meer. (2005) Response characteristics of arsenic-sensitive bioreporters expressing the gfp reporter gene. Microchimica Acta. DOI 10.1007/s00604-005-0401-0

Harms, H., Rime, J., Hug, S. J., and J. R. van der Meer. (2005) Effect of groundwater composition on arsenic detection by bacterial biosensors. Microchimica Acta. DOI 10.1007/s00604-005-0402-z

Van der Meer, J. R., Tropel D., and M. Jaspers. (2004) Illuminating the detection chain of bacterial bioreporters. Environ. Microbiol. 6: 1005-1020.

Werlen, C., Jaspers, M. C., and J. R. van der Meer. (2004) Gas-phase end point measurements of bioavialable naphthalene using a Pseudomonas putida biosensor. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 70:43-51.

Stocker, J., Balluch, D., Gsell, M., Harms, H., Feliciano, J., Daunert, S., Malik, K. A., and J. R. van der Meer. (2003) Development of a set of simple bacterial biosensors for quantitative and rapid field measurements of arsenite and arsenate in potable water. Environ. Sci. Technol. 37: 4743-4750.

Füchslin, H. P., Rüegg, I., van der Meer, J. R., and T. Egli. (2003) Effect of integration of a GFP reporter gene in Ralstonia eutropha on growth kinetics with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid . Environ. Microbiol. 5:878-887.

Jaspers, M. C., Meier, C., Zehnder, A. J., Harms, H., and J. R. van der Meer. (2001) Measuring mass transfer processes of octane with the help of an alkS-alkB::gfp-tagged Escherichia coli. Env. Microbiol. 3: 512-524.

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Bundschuh, J., Bhattacharya, P., and D. Chandrashekharam (2005) Natural Arsenic in Groundwater: Occurrence, Remediation and Management. A. A. Balkema, Taylor & Francis Group, London.

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Worldbank report (2005) Arsenic contamination of groundwater in South and East Asian countries: Towards a more effective operational response.

Van Geen, A., Cheng, Z., Seddique, A. A., Hoque, M. A., Gelman, A., Graziano, J. H., Ahsan, H., Parvez, F., and K. M. Ahmed (2005) Reliability of a commercial kit to test groundwater for arsenic in Bangladesh. Environ. Sci. Technol. 39 (1): 299-303.

Rahman, M. M., Mukherjee, D., Sengupta, M. K., Chowdhury, U. K., Lodh, D. C., Roy, S., Selim, M., Quamruzzaman, Q., Milton, A. H., Shahidullah, S. M., Rahman, M. T., and D. Chakraborti (2002) Effectiveness and reliability of arsenic field testing kits: Are the million dollar screening projects effective or not? Environ. Sci. Technol. 36 (24): 5385-94.
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