How to apply

Post-doctoral Researchers and PhD Students

While open funded positions will sometimes be advertised, applications are welcome at any time from prospective PhD students and Post-doctoral researchers. You should typically apply 6-12 months in advance of when you would ideally like to start. Although internal funding may be available to support positions, all accepted applicants are strongly encouraged to seek external sources of funding.

Please send - as a single PDF file - a cover letter describing why you are interested in joining our group* and your future professional goals, a CV (potential PhD students should include their Bachelors/Masters grades; post-docs should list their scientific publications/pre-prints) and contact details for 2 or more referees to Richard Benton.

*This part is absolutely key to a compelling application, particularly (but not only) for post-doctoral applicants: was there a paper (or conference talk/poster) of ours that stimulated your interest? What scientific questions are you motivated by that align with our lab's goals (see Research section)? What complementary/unique research skills would you bring?

Masters Students

The Benton lab offers projects annually to students in all three Masters programmes at UNIL: Molecular Life Sciences (of which Richard Benton is the Director), Behaviour, Evolution and Conservation, and Medical Biology.

Undergraduate Students

The Benton lab participates in the UNIL Summer Undergraduate Research Programme. At other times of year, there may be opportunities for undergraduates to work and/or train in the lab. Contact Richard Benton for details.


richard_benton-8889_edit.jpg (Richard Benton)

Richard Benton FRS

Tel: +41 21 692 3932


How to apply
Reagent requests

Administrative assistant

Lise Rolée
Tel: +41 21 692 3900