adjunct Professor Jan Novy
Senior lecturer
Consultant/attending physician
Laboratory of Cortical Excitability and Arousal Disorders - LE2C
Affiliation: Service of neurology (NLG)
Keywords: Epilepsy, Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy, Neuroimaging, Intracerebral EEG, Seizure detection, Neurotechnologies, Pharmacology, Epidemiology, Biomarkers, Genetic
Research interests
Therapeutic monitoring and biomarkers of epileptic seizures.
Laboratory's activity
Assess the ways to improve the pharmacological treatment of epilepsy and identify biomarkers of the disease to guide the therapy. Establish a closed-loop therapy assessing on the one hand the treatment exposure and on the other hand markers of the disease activity. This closed loop therapy will allow a more efficient proactive rather than reactive treatment of epilepsy
ORCID: 0000-0002-6862-7083
Publications: unisciences