Prof Bogdan Draganski Ferath Kherif Marzia De Lucia
Assoc. Prof Senior Lecturer Senior Lecturer
Antoine Lutti Ann-Marie De Lange
Assist. Prof. Doctor
Laboratory’s activity
LREN is an imaging neuroscience laboratory dedicated to the study of brain structure and function relevant to the endogenous and environmental effects on human behaviour and cognition across the lifespan. We develop and apply non-invasive neuroimaging methods - magnetic resonance imaging and electro-encephalography that help advancing our knowledge in brain health maintenance, early diagnosis of neurodegeneration and mechanisms governing brain plasticity. Our research has a specific focus on sex and gender differences.
LREN is responsible for a state-of-the-art neuroimaging platform featuring high-end research-only Siemens Prisma 3T MRI scanner, sophisticated MRI compatible neurophysiological equipment and high-density EEG machines.
LRENs main goal is to translate research findings into clinical applications for prevention, early diagnosis of disease and for prediction of clinical outcome. We provide the neuroimaging expertise and infrastructure for large-scale initiatives supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation and the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences – the longitudinal CoLaus|PsyCoLaus and the SPHN SACR cohorts.
LRENs research is supported by competitive national (SNSF, SAMS, InnoSuisse, Bertarelli) and EU grants additionally to generous funding from the charitable Roger De Spoelberch and Partridge foundations.