Dre Marzia De Lucia, MERc
Senior Lecturer
Principal Investigator
Laboratory for Research in Neuroimaging
Laboratoire de recherche en neuro-imagerie - LREN
Research interests
> Coma
> Disorders of consciousness
> Statistical regularities
> Interoception
Laboratory’s activity
Loss of consciousness involves dramatic changes in neural activity and is accompanied by a drastic reduction in the responsiveness to sensory stimuli. My research work aims at shedding light on common principles underlying preserved brain responses to sensory stimuli across different varieties of unconscious states including coma and deep sleep. This knowledge informs the development of quantitative markers revealing covert consciousness in unresponsive patients. We acquire data through intracranial and scalp electrophysiological recordings, diffusion tensor and magnetic resonance imaging. We employ machine learning techniques, network analysis and signal processing methods for combining functional and structural data.
ORCID: 0000-0001-8792-7885
Publications: unisciences