
The Department of Economics

The Department of Economics, established in 1983, is one of the core departments of HEC Lausanne, the business and economics faculty of the University of Lausanne. The university has a distinguished tradition in economics, counting among its former faculty two pioneers of modern economic theory, Léon Walras (1834–1910) and Vilfredo Pareto (1848–1923). Today, Lausanne continues to be a renowned center for economic scholarship, with an international, research-active faculty and a dynamic, high-caliber student body. Leading economic researchers frequently visit Lausanne for seminars, conferences, and as visiting professors.

The Department of Economics strives to create a research and teaching environment that combines excellence and intellectual rigor within a friendly and supportive atmosphere. 


Related Institution

Institut CREA d'économie appliquée

The Institute of Applied Economics is mainly involved in research into macroeconomics and applied quantitative methods.

It specializes in economic analyses and forecasts at the national and international level. It is the only French-speaking institute to publish economic forecasts for Switzerland.

Learn more about CREA



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